Community Education Pacific Style

Celebrate Cook Island Constitution Day
Saturday 3 August: To mark the end of the exhibition Tidal Kin, join educators from Papua New Guinea and the Cook islands

To mark the end of the exhibition Tidal Kin: Stories from the Pacific, join educators from Papua New Guinea and the Cook islands at the Chau Chak Wing Museum.

Celebrate Cook Island Constitution Day with a Cook Islander-led language and dance class, followed by a workshop with Papua New Guinean bilum makers, Joyce Robinson and Grace Hull, to learn about contemporary practices for making this quintessential bag of PNG.

Saturday 3 August

12.30pm - 2pm
CIDA Language and Dance Class

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2 - 2.30pm
Bilum workshop

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More information

Joyce Robinson from Goroka has been making bilum most of her life and today passes on these skills to her community in Sydney.

Grace Hull from the Trobriand islands works with primary schools to teach gardening weaving practices.

The Cook Islands Day Australia (CIDA) have been bringing the Cook Islands' culture through language, dance, and music classes to the youth of Sydney since 2019.

Tidal Kin

Stories from the Pacific

'Tidal Kin' reclaims the stories of eight Pacific Islander visitors to Sydney during the 18th and 19th centuries. Alongside cultural objects, a soundscape of voices of present-day compatriots and descendants recount their ancestors’ stories in their own languages.