
George Henderson Scholarship: Opening doors to international experiences

23 September 2024
Unlocking opportunities for future music leaders
Music Education student Alex Scheul has been able to present his research and build his network at an international symposium in Chicago thanks to the support of a scholarship.

Con student Alex Scheul

When Alex Scheul first picked up a flute in Year 7, it sparked a passion for music. Thanks to the support of his teachers, that spark would come to play a major role in his life.

“My instrumental teacher and high school music teachers challenged me to become the best musician - and person - I could be and gave me the drive to want to become a music teacher myself,” he says.

This drive led Alex to pursue a Bachelor of Music (Music Education) at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, where he would find a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

“I am very lucky to be in a degree where everyone, from lecturers to fellow students, has created an atmosphere and environment of true support and camaraderie,” shares Alex. 

Now in his Honours year, Alex is extending his studies by undertaking a research project under the supervision of Dr Thomas Fienberg. With the support and advocacy of Dr Fienberg, Alex was able to present his research at the Fifth Symposium for LGBT Studies and Music Education in Chicago. 

Presenting at an international symposium is no small feat for an undergraduate student, and for Alex, it was a transformative experience.  

“It has been the highlight of my year to stand in a room of academics and be praised and encouraged for the research I am doing.”
Alex Scheul

Alex was able to get to Chicago through the support of the George Henderson Scholarship. Established from the estate of George Wallace Henderson, the scholarship supports students of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music who wish to travel overseas for study or research. For Alex, this meant having the chance to present his work to leading educators and researchers, contributing to important discussions and developing his professional network.

“It was such a validating experience, to not only present my research to an audience but to gain new contacts, friendships, offers of study, support, and a desire to continue in the field of research,” says Alex.

Alex presenting his research in Chicago

As he comes to the end of his degree, Alex is ready to share his love for music with the next generation of students. He will begin full-time teaching in 2025, gathering experience in high schools while continuing to explore potential avenues for future research.  

“My trip to Chicago gave me insight into some possible avenues for future research, and I am inspired to continue once I am in the field,” he shares. 

For students who are considering a career in music education, Alex shares his enthusiastic advice.

“Do it! Think about the future of music in Australia; who will teach the younger generations about the music you love and appreciate?”

“If you have a passion for making music and want to experience the joys of teaching – this is the perfect degree.” 

Through the generosity of our donors, Sydney Conservatorium of Music offers over $2 million in merit and equity scholarships annually.

Explore our music scholarships and begin your journey at the Con.

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