2020 news


21 August 2020

Five Young Tall Poppy Science Award winners

The Young Tall Poppy Science Awards recognise scientific research excellence and public outreach in early career researchers.
04 August 2020

Hydrogel paves way for biomedical breakthrough

Dubbed the "invisibility cloak", engineers at the University of Sydney have developed a hydrogel that allows implants and transplants to better and more safely interact with surrounding tissue.
06 July 2020

Meet 5 of Australia's most innovative engineers

Each year Engineers Australia selects the country's most inventive and forward-thinking engineers. From biomedical 'tattoos' as sensory substitutes to reducing CO2 emissions from oil refineries, meet the five University of Sydney engineers who have been named Australia's most innovative.
26 May 2020

Scientists synthesise tick spit protein for first time

Using the properties of naturally occurring proteins offers huge potential for new medicines. Charlotte Franck in Professor Richard Payne's lab has for the first time made the anti-inflammatory evasin proteins found in tick saliva.
25 May 2020

Two new Australian Academy of Science Fellows

Professor Kate Jolliffe and Professor Tim Bedding, both from the Faculty of Science, have been elected as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science.
22 May 2020

Stitch in time: how a quantum physicist made new code from old tricks

Building large-scale quantum computers will require suppression of errors. Dr Ben Brown has used a neat trick to apply powerful 3D error-suppression codes in a 2D architecture, something one industry insider said many thought was impossible.
22 May 2020

Next-generation solar cells pass strict international tests

Light-weight, cheap and ultra-thin, perovskite crystals have promised to shake-up renewable energy for some time. Research by Professor Anita Ho-Baillie means they are ready to take the next steps towards commercialisation.
15 May 2020

Light, fantastic: the path ahead for faster, smaller computer processors

Photonic chips have huge potential for the future of computers and telecommunications. Australian and German physicists have now developed hybrid architecture to overcome some of the engineering hurdles facing this technology.
14 May 2020

The future of recycling: 4 experts explain

The NSW Government recently conducted a survey on recycling and plastic waste. Ahead of its findings, to be released later this year, four academics comment on research into recycling and the development of advanced waste conversion technologies.
07 May 2020

Light, sound, action: extending the life of acoustic waves on microchips

Microchips without electrons will allow for the invention of data processing systems that don't overheat, have low energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This foundational work will help scientists invent systems to achieve those aims.