News archive

Articles published in 2016

19 September 2016

University of Sydney launches new ATAR entry requirements website

The University of Sydney will help prospective students make an informed decision about their study options with the launch of a new website featuring the full range of ATARs for all courses.

19 September 2016

Barcelona cool and sexy but not a good look for Sydney

As Sydney's population continues to expand, it's Toyko we need to look at for inspiration, writes Associate Professor Pablo Guillen Alvarez.

19 September 2016

New open course meets growing demand for ethical social media skills

Good social media citizenry is at the heart of a forward-thinking new MOOC.

19 September 2016

Rising use of prison video links limit lawyer-client access

An increased reliance on video links in court matters has put prisoners at a distance from their lawyers, finds research conducted in two NSW prisons.  

16 September 2016

Contributions to student learning recognised

Five staff have been awarded national citations for their outstanding contributions to student learning. The Australian Awards for University Teaching recognise exceptional teaching practice and enhanced student outcomes.  

16 September 2016

Artificial sweeteners hit sour note with sketchy science

University of Sydney researchers have confirmed widespread bias in industry-funded research into artificial sweeteners, which is potentially misleading millions by overstating their health benefits.

16 September 2016

How to get liked and shared on Facebook: new research

A new study of the Facebook pages of 20 Australian public health agencies reveals that videos, celebrities, sports stars, emotional appeals and factual information generate greatest user-engagement, while techniques such as sponsorships and authority figures reduce user engagement.

16 September 2016

‘Starving’ black hole returns galaxy Mrk 1018 to the shadows

For the second time since it was first observed, a nearby galaxy with a black hole at its centre has mysteriously changed. In a new paper, a University of Sydney PhD student suggests the black hole is being starved of fuel.

15 September 2016

Could slime save Sydney?

Can ants, bees and slime moulds build better infrastructure networks than us? 

15 September 2016

Australian infrastructure needs customer service reforms: new report

Australian infrastructure consumers could benefit from greater flexibility and innovation in infrastructure service delivery, according to new research commissioned by the University of Sydney's infrastructure think tank.

15 September 2016

Sydney athletes making their mark at Rio Paralympics

Angie Ballard adds two bronze to her Paralympic medal tally and our rowers make history as Sydney athletes take on the best in the world in Rio.

14 September 2016

Open source malaria research paves way for cheap medicine

A real-time drug discovery project involving some 50 researchers in nine countries has shown open source malaria research works - providing a potential alternative for medicines similar to the way in which open source products compete with proprietary products in software.

14 September 2016

Ten things you might not know about China

What happens in China today – from economic changes and political events, to cultural and social movements – has a huge impact on the rest of the world. As its global influence increases, what does the future hold?

13 September 2016

Margaret Harris to be Acting Dean of SCA

Professor Margaret Harris, the former Acting Dean of the Sydney College of Arts, will resume the role, taking over from Professor Colin Rhodes who has decided to move to a new role after 10 years.

13 September 2016

University rankings: how do they work and are they important?

From study options and career choices, to campus life, exchange opportunities, and where your friends go, there are many things you'll take into account when deciding on which university to choose. These days there are also university rankings.

13 September 2016

We should learn to love germs

Should Australia follow the lead of the US and ban the use of anti-bacterial compounds? Can we learn to love germs instead of fearing them? Dr Nicholas Coleman, microbiologist from the University of Sydney, weighs into the debate.

13 September 2016

New app helps fix dogged problems

The University of Sydney is launching a world-first app that will not only help owners help their dogs be happier and healthier, but could also play a life-saving role by teaching young dogs to behave better - thereby reducing the chances of pups falling victim to what are currently their top killers.

13 September 2016

Outsource WHO jobs to more capable agencies, experts say

It's time to outsource key functions of The World Health Organisation to agencies better placed and qualified to execute the WHO's remit, say experts in today's British Medical Journal - Global Health.

12 September 2016

Coffee with Paralympian turned philosopher Sarah Stewart

Disability doesn’t discriminate, it just turns up, says Sydney postgraduate student and three-time Paralympic medallist Sarah Stewart.

12 September 2016

Sydney’s Master of Management ranked #1 in Australia

The University of Sydney Business School has cemented its reputation as one of the world’s best with its flagship Master of Management program ranked number one in Australia and 44 in the world in the latest Financial Times global university rankings.