News archive

Articles published in 2016

04 August 2016

In praise of the Sirius building, a ruined remnant of idealistic times

With a ministerial refusal to act on the NSW Heritage Council’s findings, Sydney’s Sirius building has lost its heritage appeal. Demolition is now imminent and the building has been, philosophically at least, abandoned.

04 August 2016

The jobs of the future

The flow of reports about the impact of automation, mostly dire, continues. The big question is whether we are facing more of the same, or whether the exponential technologies will usher in more dramatic changes, writes Honorary Professor Ron Johnston.  

03 August 2016

Satellite images of world at night can map rural poverty

A University of Sydney-bound economist has mapped people’s access to electricity to identify economic inequality in oil-rich countries.

03 August 2016

Blueprint to overcome Anglo Celtic bias in leadership

A new 'blueprint' for cultural diversity and inclusive leadership based on research undertaken by the Business School was revealed this week.

03 August 2016

Poche Patron calls for increased funding for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research projects

Professor Tom Calma AO appealed to the ARC to match the NHMRC's level of funding for Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander projects at a University of Sydney health research showcase last week.

03 August 2016

Art show gives PhD students valuable curating experience

Bingqing Wei and Minerva Inwald have melded theory with hands-on experience for the University Art Gallery's latest exhibition. 

02 August 2016

Elite Athletes vs Couch Potatoes: can the Rio Games bridge the divide?

In the lead up to Rio 2016, Dr Chris Neff is joined by Senior Lecturer Dr Steve Georgakis (HumanMov)(’94) PhD(’00) BEd MEd(’11) to discuss the growing commercialisation of sport and the impact this has on participation.

02 August 2016

FemFlix revisits an overlooked decade of 90s feminism in Australia

An overlooked decade of 90s feminism that saw the rise of cyberfeminists, zine counter culture and high-octane post-punk gestures on screen is revisited in a new exhibition FemFlix at Sydney College of the Arts from 10 August to 3 September 2016.

02 August 2016

We are wasting our waste

Australia needs technology innovations, in particular, new technologies for the sustainable processing of industrial waste or by-products.  

02 August 2016

Faintest hisses from space reveal famous star’s past life

Research led by a PhD student investigating the cosmic ruins of a famous star has resulted in the piecing together of its past dating back millions of years. The star's spectacular explosion 29 years ago was the closest seen from Earth; the findings about supernova remnant 1987A will help astrophysicists' understanding of supernovas generally. 

01 August 2016

Ready, set, Rio: Sydney cohort heads to the Games

As more than 3.5 billion people around the world turn their sights towards Rio this week, 30 athletes from our community are getting ready to take their place on the globe’s biggest sporting stage.

01 August 2016

Researchers develop new framework for human nutrition

Existing models for measuring health impacts of the human diet are limiting our capacity to solve obesity and its related health problems, claim two of the world's leading nutritional scientists in their newest research.

01 August 2016

Landmark campus gateway underway

Two new buildings linked by a vibrant public space will soon welcome visitors at the University’s City Road entrance.

01 August 2016

Chinese print exhibition goes from political to politicised

A new exhibition of Chinese prints at the University Art Gallery chronicles how Chinese artists responded political and cultural upheaval during the latter half of the 20th century. 

29 July 2016

University of Sydney joins Sydney Science Festival

Our researchers are involved in a range of public events to celebrate National Science Week from 11 to 21 August.

29 July 2016

Eureka Prizes announces five Sydney finalists

The Oscars of Australian science, the Eureka Prizes, has nominated Sydney in five categories for work spanning defence engineering; brain disorders; healthcare leadership and innovation, mentoring and collaborative work as part of an international consortium.

28 July 2016

Home ownership: facts and fiction

In this podcast Chris is joined by Professor Nicole Gurran, urban planning and policy analyst to talk housing affordability. 

28 July 2016

Abnormal thyroid function in newborns linked to poor reading and numeracy

Babies born with moderately high concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone have a higher risk of poor educational and development outcomes at school age, a world-first University of Sydney study reveals.

28 July 2016

Changes to Sydney College of the Arts

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Dr Michael Spence, today sent the following message via email to students of the Sydney College of the Arts.

28 July 2016

A turning point in architecture sees the end of starchitects

Contemporary iconic architecture, which became increasingly popular in the late 1990s, has now reached saturation point as the starchitects of yesterday are replaced by a new generation of architects looking for moral purpose.