News archive

Articles published in 2016

12 July 2016

Help at hand for people watching their weight

Researchers from the University of Sydney have developed a portable and easy-to-use method to help people estimate portion size using only their hands. 

11 July 2016

Prescription drugs and crime raise questions for the law

While intoxication is colloquially labelled a defence, it’s not an excuse for crime, explains Arlie Loughnan. 

09 July 2016

Young researcher creates new roadmap for computer hard drives

Responding to consumer demand for increased computer hard drive memory, the research also has the potential to reduce the environmental footprint of the more than 2.5 billion hard drives currently estimated to be in use worldwide.

08 July 2016

Three federal election questions answered by our experts

As the vote count continues, experts from the University of Sydney contribute to some of the key debates surrounding the 2016 Federal Election.

08 July 2016

The NDIS does not yet address all the needs of Indigenous people with disabilities

While the NDIS presents an opportunity to address the gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people with disabilities, a number of challenges still remain writes Dr John Gilroy.

07 July 2016

Something in the water

The Australian Women's Water Polo team may have a secret weapon as they head to the Olympics next month, with four of the 13 athletes recently selected for the Aussie Stingers squad all graduates of the University of Sydney.

07 July 2016

Abercrombie building heralds new era for business education in Asia Pacific

The Business School’s new state-of-the-art $250 million home is predicted to reshape the way students are equipped to lead the Asia–Pacific region in the 21st century.

06 July 2016

Obese preschoolers have 60% higher healthcare costs than healthy weight children

Obese children are two to three times more likely to be admitted to hospital, according to a new study on the healthcare costs of overweight preschoolers. 

06 July 2016

Labor’s ‘Mediscare’ campaign capitalised on Coalition’s history of hostility to Medicare

Labor’s Medicare campaign plugged into a long history of Coalition ambivalence – or open hostility – towards Medicare, writes Professor James Gillespie.

05 July 2016

How our body sugars can work like gluey gel

A simple fracture in our wrists, ankle or hip can take months to mend but now chemical engineering researchers are working with scientists at the Kids Research Institute at Westmead children’s hospital investigating ways of using our own body sugars to speed up the healing process.

05 July 2016

What happens next if there is a hung Parliament?

Australia will have to wait 6 months for another election and the Prime Minister will remain until he resigns on behalf of the government: Professor Anne Twomey on what happens if there is a hung Parliament following the federal election. 

05 July 2016

Boosting Australia’s response to infectious disease outbreaks

University of Sydney researchers will partner with other leading national experts in clinical, laboratory and public health research on a new $5m initiative to boost Australia’s capacity to respond to infectious disease outbreaks.

04 July 2016

New funding seeds researchers’ relationships with industry

Encouraging engagement with industry and the community is the aim of a new University of Sydney seed fund for researchers. 

04 July 2016

Male body image a growing public health issue: research

It’s referred to as the opposite of anorexia – muscle dysmorphia – but men with body-building and other body image issues are up to four times more likely than females to be undiagnosed and it is a growing public health problem.

04 July 2016

No identity: one in five Aboriginal births unregistered in WA

Nearly one in five Aboriginal children aged less than 16 years old in Western Australia had unregistered births according to new research that means thousands of Aboriginal children are likely to have no official identity.

30 June 2016

High-tech scans spare lymphoma patients side effects of chemo

People with advanced-stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be spared the serious side effects of chemotherapy thanks to high-tech scans that predict early response to treatment, new findings by University of Sydney scholars in collaboration with national and international partners reveal.

29 June 2016

Outstanding achievement by Sydney Law School student at Cambridge

Mitchell Cleaver is the first Sydney Law School student to receive a dual degree from one of the UK's most prestigious law schools.

28 June 2016

The voter paradox

Whatever the outcome of this election, hung parliaments and minority governments will increasingly be a feature of the Australian political landscape, writes Dr Peter Chen.

28 June 2016

Winter Program prepares students for university life

We’re helping more than 40 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 12 students prepare for exams and university life as part of the Bunga Barrabugu Winter Program this week.

28 June 2016

Are itchier insect bites more likely to make us sick?

New research suggests the worse our reactions to mosquito bites are, the more likely it is we’ll get sick, says Dr Cameron Webb.