News archive

Articles published in 2016

15 June 2016

How can we make sense of the Orlando shooting?

As the world mourns the tragic loss of 50 lives, how can we answer the questions around homophobia and mental health raised by the Orlando shooting? Our researchers appeared on ABC’s The Drum to discuss the complex debate. 

15 June 2016

Robotics for farms of the future

With Australia’s farming future looking increasingly reliant on automated technologies, such as low-cost robotics, the industry’s vision should include more support for agri-technology start-ups, retraining growers and agronomists for a digital age, and introducing rural kids to hands-on robotics.   

15 June 2016

University reaches critical gender equality milestone

The University of Sydney now has 31 percent female professors, up from 28 percent, just over a year into a formal program designed to increase the number of women in senior positions. 

14 June 2016

University of Sydney community honoured in Queen's Birthday list

Members of the University of Sydney community have been acknowledged for their influence on Australian society in the Queen’s Birthday 2016 Honours List.

14 June 2016

The myth of generational differences at work

Laziness and narcissism are traits consistently associated with Generation Y. Dr Steven Hitchcock from the Business School, has found young professionals in the advertising industry are reluctant to see themselves in terms of generational differences. 

10 June 2016

Canberra could make more use of academe

Governments should capitalise on wealth of Australian expertise for provision of public service, writes Professor Ben Saul.

10 June 2016

Why we need to pay more attention to negative clinical trials

Sometimes, the most important steps in medical research are the ones we ignore, writes Adrian Pokorny.

09 June 2016

Chronic lower respiratory disease - the fourth biggest killer of Australians

Reducing smoking, prescribed asthma treatments, and improving access to healthcare are our biggest hopes for decreasing the death rate, writes Stephen Milne.

09 June 2016

University of Sydney wins $19m in Cancer Institute NSW grants

The Cancer Institute NSW has awarded $19 million to University of Sydney scholars to advance fundamental and applied research, support the careers of promising researchers, and improve research infrastructure. 

08 June 2016

New Head of School and Dean appointed at the Con

The University of Sydney announced the appointment of Professor Anna Reid as the new Head of School and Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

08 June 2016

Leading legal expert named Harvard Chair in Australian Studies

The University of Sydney and Harvard University have announced the appointment of Professor Ben Saul to the Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser Chair in Australian Studies for the 2017–2018 academic year.

08 June 2016

Sex in dragons: a complicated affair

The large, spectacular Australian desert Bearded Dragon is under scrutiny because of the prospensity for genetically male lizards to develop into females. New research spearheaded by the University of Sydney shows the sex-reversed 'females' display more male characteristics than even the male-bodied lizards. 

07 June 2016

Medicare rebate freeze: counting the cost to doctors and patients

Health is shaping up to be one of the major election issues, with proposed changes to Medicare rebates and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) potentially costing patients more to receive health care.

07 June 2016

Malcolm or Bill: who would you invite to your barbecue?

Putting aside the significant policy differences between the political parties in the upcoming federal election, some Australians end up voting on the basis of who they would rather share a barbecue with, writes Adjunct Professor Nick Rowley. 

07 June 2016

Pre-election web tool helps voters get up to speed

University experts are contributing to an online tool which allows Australians to assess their political leanings against the major parties' positions on key themes, in the lead-up to the July 2 Federal Election.

06 June 2016

Pharmacy researchers win national award for medical research

A University of Sydney study which examined the impact of ABC TV's Catalyst program on statin use in Australia has won a national prize for excellence in medical research.

03 June 2016

Top picks of the Sydney Film Festival

With the 2016 Sydney Film Festival rapidly approaching, movie experts Dr Bruce Isaacs and Dr David Kelly offer their top picks to help you make your way through the diverse program.

03 June 2016

Click team Sydney to save these devils with $10K discovery prize

A bushwalker has helped University of Sydney researchers discover genetically diverse Tasmanian devils in the remote south-west. Now, the team is appealing for votes for a peer prize of $10,000 and is also crowdfunding to travel to the World Heritage Area to further their research and bring new hope to the endangered species. 

02 June 2016

Student Leadership Academy an ideas powerhouse

A new style of teaching and learning is gaining popularity among University of Sydney students,  with more than 400 students signing up to the Student Leadership Academy  (SLA) kick-started early this year. Members have just successfully competed in the Dymocks Innovation Challenge. 

02 June 2016

Why $1 a litre milk won’t take Australia from the mining to the dining boom

Despite demand from overseas markets such as China, Australia’s milk wars illustrate the difficulty of taking a low-cost commodity approach to competition. Farmers need to embrace digital disruption, promoting our renowned clean, green produce by using tools that are increasingly available to detail the journey from behind the farm gate to the consumer.