News archive

Articles published in 2016

29 January 2016

Better psychological support needed for families affected by Sudden Cardiac Death

Families need psychological support as early as possible after a sudden death  

29 January 2016

A disarming lesson from the Pacific

America's epidemic of gun violence has seen both President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton wondering aloud if Australia might have part of the answer. But there's much more to this for the Asia-Pacific region than a brief, doomed flicker in the US election debate.

29 January 2016

Octopuses shed their asocial reputation

Octopuses are generally viewed as solitary creatures who change colour to hide from predators. Researchers have found octopuses do have a social life - and it's not without drama. 

28 January 2016

Shifting public opinion towards the monarchy in Australia

Support for the monarchy in Australia is at its highest level since the 1990s thanks to the arrival of new royal family members and a declining number and frequency of royal scandals, new research reveals.

28 January 2016

Does Zika virus pose a threat to Australia?

The emergence of a little-known virus, Zika, from an African forest, is the latest to alarm the public, politicians and health authorities because of its potential link to birth defects, writes Cameron Webb.

26 January 2016

University of Sydney community honoured on Australia Day

Members of the University of Sydney community have been acknowledged for their influence on Australian society in the Australia Day 2016 Honours List.

22 January 2016

Xi Jinping's global cyber vision

China's move towards "cyber sovereignty" should be seen as nothing less than a bold push to re-shape the global contours of cyberspace in the nation's favour, writes Stephenie Andal.

22 January 2016

International exchange gives the Asian street vendor shelter a design makeover

The humble street vendor cart and shelter that lines the streets of many Asian cities and is a key driver of local economies will get a design makeover by Australian and Indonesian architecture students this month.

21 January 2016

Empowering people with disabilities in Indonesia

Leaders from Disabled People's Organisations (DPOs) throughout Indonesia are in Sydney for the next two weeks as part of an Australia Awards short course run by the University of Sydney.

20 January 2016

School duxes lead the way to uni

More than 10,000 prospective undergraduate students have been offered a place to study at the University of Sydney in 2016, including 348 students as part of the new Dux Scheme.

20 January 2016

$10 million grant awarded for bold new vision in cancer research

University of Sydney Professors to run world-first cancer research clinic.

20 January 2016

Educational excellence accelerates graduate employment opportunities

How do the University's education initiatives in the 2016-20 Strategic Plan address and respond to the demands of the modern workplace?

20 January 2016

Pop-up art showing for Sydney leg of the Laneway Festival

Sunday Punch, an outdoor art exhibition, will be staged for the Sydney leg of this year's St Jerome's Laneway Festival at Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) on Sunday 7 February.

20 January 2016

University of Sydney scholars named among world's most influential scientific minds

Six University of Sydney scholars have been named among the world's most influential scientific minds in a new analysis of thousands of academic papers by Thomson Reuters.

20 January 2016

Why we shouldn’t be surprised tennis is implicated in match-fixing

Tennis is a sport prone to corruption in a hyper-commercialised era, writes Dr Steve Georgakis.

20 January 2016

Taking a ‘diet holiday’ could improve weight loss

New research published in PLOS ONE suggests a break from dieting could lead to more efficient weight loss.

19 January 2016

New approach marks major development in Indigenous studies

The University of Sydney's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has launched an innovative and engaging new Indigenous Studies major.

19 January 2016

What were Ken and Jocelyn Elliott doing in Burkina Faso? Making a difference

A couple caught up in a power play by jihadists are part of a league of Australians who have made their way to Africa to provide healthcare, writes Joel Negin.

18 January 2016

Link between depression and back pain

A new University of Sydney study reveals people with depression are 60 per cent more likely to develop low back pain in their lifetime.

15 January 2016

The question every patient should ask their doctor

Not all health professionals practise hand hygiene as well as they should, argues Professor Kim Oates.