Articles published in 2017

23 February 2017

Act early to stop eyewitnesses from developing lasting distress

Dr Lauren Monds writes in today's Sydney Morning Herald on the causes and possible symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, citing the recent plane crash in Melbourne.

22 February 2017

What you need to know about the new HSC English curriculum

What will a changed HSC English curriculum mean for teachers and students? Associate Professor Jackie Manuel explains.

22 February 2017

Imaging study confirms differences in ADHD brains

Research shows that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is associated with the delayed development of five brain regions, and should be considered a brain disorder, writes Dr Alison Poulton.

22 February 2017

Looking to the stars: Data-driven Astronomy MOOC

The University of Sydney's new MOOC centres on the development of practical skills and their application to real astronomy examples.

22 February 2017

How cathedral termites arrived here to build their 'sky-scrapers'

Before designing one of the animal kingdom's tallest structures, common in Australia's Top End, ancestors of these termite fortress builders rafted from Asia or South America about 10 million years ago, research has found.

21 February 2017

Water flowing into remote schools and parks

A scheme aimed at improving oral health and reducing obesity in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities has installed cold fresh water in Boggabilla’s school – and now also its town park. 

21 February 2017

Cutting-edge cameras reveal the secret life of dolphins

A world-first study testing new underwater cameras on wild dolphins has given researchers the best view yet into their hidden marine world.

21 February 2017

Pharma funding biases results of drug trials

Industry-sponsored studies are more likely to favour products of pharmaceuticals and medical devices than non-industry funded research, a new study reveals.

20 February 2017

Obesity expert reignites sugar tax debate

A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Australia would be just as logical as existing mandatory controls on alcohol and tobacco, a leading obesity expert argues in the latest Medical Journal of Australia (MJA).

20 February 2017

It's goodbye to the Nationals unless they become a genuine country party

To win back its dwindling constituency, the Nationals would need to adopt some of the social justice policies espoused by Labor, writes Associate Professor Michael Hogan in The Guardian.

20 February 2017

Student entrepreneur to connect with China's best and brightest

Zoe Neill, a second-year International Relations student from the University of Sydney, will join 67 other young entrepreneurs as part of this year's China Australia Millennial Project (CAMP).

17 February 2017

Energy drinks could be deadly for young people with heart conditions

People born with a genetic cardiac rhythm disorder called Long QT Syndrome are at higher risk of dangerous heart rhythms or even death after consuming energy drinks.

17 February 2017

Early career female researchers shine in cancer fellowships

Sydney researchers have received more than $6.4M to develop personalised treatments for ovarian cancer, investigate the link between sleep apnoea and tumour growth and improve the speed, accuracy and thoroughness of cancer diagnosis and treatment decision-making.

16 February 2017

How changing times made Australia’s political leaders more disposable

Politics was once a gentlemanly affair with leadership spills a rare sight; but times have certainly changed, writes Emeritus Professor Rodney Tiffen in this extract from his book Disposable Leaders: Media and Leadership Coups from Menzies to Abbott.

16 February 2017

Researchers win grants to combat diabetes epidemic

University of Sydney researchers have won over $800,000 in grants from Diabetes Australia to improve the understanding, detection and treatment of diabetes. 

16 February 2017

Trailblazer tales help authors vie for literary prize

Two University of Sydney historians are in the running for Australia's richest business literature prize.    

15 February 2017

Housing supply shouldn't be the only policy tool politicians cling to

The most popular government policy at the moment for solving housing affordability continues to be increasing housing supply, writes Professor Phibbs and Professor Gurran.

15 February 2017

We’re ‘Roaring with Pride’ to be part of Mardi Gras 2017

The University of Sydney is once again proud to be part of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras in 2017.

15 February 2017

Explainer: how to cut through to anti-vaxxers and anti-fluoriders

A public health expert shares six ways to debunk the 'alternative facts' of public health risks. Dr Claire Hooker writes on ways to communicate public health risks to anti-vaxxers and anti-fluoriders.

15 February 2017

How leaders can better sell economic reform

Policy makers must move away from believing voter disaffection amounts to apathy, writes Associate Professor Anika Gauja.