Articles published in 2018

27 June 2018

The 78ers Legacy Fund: crowdfunding to celebrate Mardi Gras' 40th

A University of Sydney crowdfunding initiative will honour the activists who took to Sydney's streets for the first Mardi Gras and helped transform gay and lesbian lives in Australia.

27 June 2018

Decoded stretchy molecule gives living tissues flexibility

Researchers have decoded the molecular structure of tropoelastin, a protein that gives living tissues the ability to stretch and retract, and detailed how its structure is altered in various genetically-driven diseases.
27 June 2018

Dr Shelley Wickham wins Westpac Fellowship to study DNA origami

Dr Wickham will build new tools made from DNA origami - tiny tweezers, spanners, wrenches and springs - to better understand blood clotting on nanosurfaces and ultimately design better materials.
26 June 2018


“We have performed and recorded together whenever we have the opportunity, with the core aim being to share musical ideas and create new versions of old songs, for fun and entertainment but also, for the women, with the firm purpose of keeping their songs alive.”
26 June 2018

The circular economy, a new age in recycling

New technologies developed by the University of Sydney’s Chemical and Biomolecular Engineers are creating usable products from industrial waste that benefit people and the environment while creating new income streams.
26 June 2018

The graduate hitting all the right notes

What does it take to help grow the Arts in Australia while raising a family? Yarmila Alfonzetti explains how studying a postgraduate project management degree at the University of Sydney built her extensive industry experience to a crescendo of success.
26 June 2018

How to spot industry influence in science

Keen to know if vested interests have influenced research methods or policies? Professor Lisa Bero outlines the signs to help scientists, journalists and the public assess scientific communications for industry involvement.
26 June 2018

Education system prepared for future of work: major report

A major report has rated Australia's education system as 'very good' and highlighted workplaces as a powerful site for learning.
26 June 2018

The myth of liveability

Adjunct Professor Leslie Stein discussed the myth of liveability as an idealistic framework rather than an achievable end goal.
25 June 2018

PhD students work to improve lives of people with autoimmune diseases

The Brain Autoimmunology group at Westmead is working hard to improve the lives of patients with a range of brain autoimmune disorders.
25 June 2018

New research reveals how rugby league players make it to the top

As New South Wales celebrates Origin victory it's likely some parents have hopes for their own children's sporting careers. So what does it take to make it to the top tier of rugby league?
25 June 2018

Will robots inherit the earth?

Ahead of her appearance at the next Outside the Square event, the New Scientist reporter and University of Sydney Science graduate sits down to discuss the implications of Artificial Intelligence.
25 June 2018

Part-time vs full-time MBA: choosing the right degree

Considering an MBA but not sure which is the right program for you? Read on to find out more about the part-time, full-time and Global Executive MBA programs.
22 June 2018

Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholarship: 5 reasons to apply

Applications for the 2019 Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholarship are now open. Are you an architecture, arts, business or engineering undergrad interested in urbanism? Here are five reasons why you should apply.
22 June 2018

The many pathways to higher degree research

3 higher degree researchers share their stories of how they balance their research with their careers and personal lives.

22 June 2018

Design courses launched to support business innovation

The University of Sydney, with the support of the NSW Government, is delivering two open online courses to help businesses and entrepreneurs embrace innovation and grow through design thinking.
21 June 2018

When form becomes functional: Masters students serious about engineering

Tension was high in the final week of semester as Master of Architecture students prepared to present their work to engineers from multinational firm Arup.
20 June 2018

New Head setting the pace for Electrical and Information Engineering

Distinguished Professor Jian Guo Zhu has joined the University of Sydney as the new Head of School for Electrical and Information Engineering and looks forward to transitioning his team into exciting new facilities with a fresh agenda.
20 June 2018

International art prize awarded to architecture collective

A group of international designers explore material and architectural processes with award winning sculptural installation.
20 June 2018

Blood pressure wearable device challenge

Current blood pressure measuring devices don't provide accurate long-term readings. The Westmead Applied Research Centre is supporting innovative research in the hope of solving this real-world problem.