Articles published in 2018

26 February 2018

10 questions with Associate Professor Rita Shackel

In celebration of International Women’s Day, SOAR Fellow, Associate Professor Rita Shackel shares her personal thoughts on career success, inspirational women, and the need for society to step up to sexual abuse and violence.      

26 February 2018

The EJ Series, part 14: ‘looking forward’ – critical environmental justice studies and the prison industrial complex

A particularly pronounced way in which prisons and environmental justice come together is through the methods that the state often employs to criminalize, control and incarcerate people who take measures to defend and ‘save the environment and nonhumans’.
23 February 2018

Alumna Laina Chan shares her career insights

International Women's Day MC, Laina Chan (BSc Hons LLB Hons '94), shares her career journey and tips for women entering the legal profession.

23 February 2018

Children with chronic kidney disease at risk of lower IQs

Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at risk of lower IQs and deficits in academic skills, University of Sydney research reveals.

23 February 2018

Why you're probably not 'addicted' to your smartphone

Obsessively checking your smartphone might look like addiction, but is it? Dr Andrew Campbell, a University of Sydney expert in cyberpsychology, explains and offers evidence-based tips to reduce your smartphone use.
23 February 2018

Business school student awarded $10,000 scholarship

A University of Sydney Business School student has been awarded $10,000 by fintech company Spotcap, which is hoping to overcome the talent shortage in the fintech industry by fostering more home-grown expertise.
22 February 2018

Impact of misunderstanding genetic tests for heart conditions

Patients who undergo genetic testing for inherited heart disease need to be better informed to know how to interpret the results and understand the impact the results will have on their life, a University of Sydney study has found.
22 February 2018

Australians support a whip ban in horse racing: poll

An overwhelming majority of Australians favour a whip ban - and most horseracing enthusiasts would not walk away - providing a strong incentive to stop the spectacle of whipping, which science shows does not increase wins.
22 February 2018

5 career barriers and how to break through them

Gender barriers in the workplace can be hard to break. University of Sydney academics offer tips to tackle career obstacles this International Women's Day.
22 February 2018

Celebrating women in Sydney’s creative fields

Ahead of International Women’s Day we spoke with academics and creative leaders Liza Lim, Cara Wrigley and Julie Rrap
22 February 2018

MBA vs masters: which is right for me?

Once you’ve decided to pursue postgraduate study, the next challenge lies in finding the right course. Here we outline the differences between an MBA and specialised master’s, and why you may choose one over the other.
21 February 2018

Why Australia should play the long game in the US infrastructure plan

Australia needs to play the long game in the US where exemplarily customer led infrastructure is what distinguishes us, writes Garry Bowditch from the University's John Grill Centre for Project Leadership.
21 February 2018

3 science research scholarships you should know about

At the Faculty of Science we have many Science Research Scholarships, covering research topics from ambient sea noises to analysing viruses. Here are 3 research scholarships from science you should know about.
21 February 2018

Snap, crackle and pop

We met with Dr Alice Williamson, a chemist, lecturer and science communicator in the Faculty of Science to get a sneak peak of the experiments students can look forward to conducting when studying chemistry at Sydney.
21 February 2018

UN Women NC Australia Scholarships free women to prioritise education

The founder of an economic policy consultancy led by women, and the Head of Advocacy for a major children’s support group have been awarded UN Women National Committee (NC) Australia scholarships.
20 February 2018

Largest ever crowdfunded gift to University helps fight cancer

The family of an Australian human rights activist has raised $100,000 to help tackle pancreatic cancer. It is the largest ever crowdfunded gift to the University of Sydney.
19 February 2018

Introducing our new Westpac Scholars

Two students have been awarded Future Leaders scholarships through the Westpac Bicentennial Foundation, allowing them to undertake fully funded postgraduate studies at Sydney.
19 February 2018

The EJ Series, part 13: settlers, miners, same thing.

Seán Kerins traces the history of development, environmental destruction and colonial injustice in the Southwest Gulf Of Carpentaria, Northern Territory.
19 February 2018

Meet Rachel Thomas, model, biomedical engineer, medico and author

It is fair to say that Biomedical Engineer and Medical Doctor, Dr Rachel Thomas is a great role model for young women – something she is also passionate about being.

16 February 2018

Engineering local solutions in India

Suitable design methodology for earthquake-proofing homes and awareness of the impact caused by large-level irrigation were some of the insights our engineering students gained during their recent fieldwork trip to India.