Articles published in 2019

31 October 2019

Research update: Marie Bashir Institute

In the seven years since the inception of the Marie Bashir Institute, a significant amount of multidisciplinary research has taken place across the Asia-Pacific region to advance our understanding of infectious diseases.
30 October 2019

Advanced carbon materials research boosted by new funding

The University of Sydney's research collaboration with Hazer Group has received an additional $811,712 in funding following a new partnership with the Innovative Manufacturing CRC.
30 October 2019

Sydney taps into potential of 'mini-degrees'

A suite of new health micro-credentials, some unique to the University of Sydney, have been introduced to help time-poor healthcare professionals upskill and stay competitive.
30 October 2019

Our Architecture graduates shine at Sculpture by the Sea

Congratulations to our two graduates, Gabriella Boyd (B. Design in Architecture, 2019) and Chloe Henry-Jones (B. Design in Architecture, 2018) on exhibiting at this year’s Sculpture by the Sea.
30 October 2019

Banning savannah cats in Australia was good science

In 2008, the Australian Government banned the importation of savannah cats - and that was a very good thing, according to a Threatened Species Recovery Hub study led by Professor Chris Dickman, from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences.
30 October 2019

Lockout laws review shows vital role of transparent data analysis

Processes of data collection and analysis used to decide policy need to be as independent and transparent as possible, academics from the University of Sydney's Centre for Translational Data Science say.
30 October 2019

University of Sydney team wins global BioMod competition

Students from the University of Sydney have come first in a global competition to make 'the coolest stuff out of the molecules of life'. Contestants included Imperial College London, Ohio State University, University of British Columbia and University of Tokyo.
30 October 2019

Oral health alumnus moves to Broken Hill after final year placement

Andrew Somerville went on two week placement in Broken Hill and never came back. Now almost two years on, we caught up with him to find out what led him to make the move to one of Australia's most iconic mining towns.

30 October 2019

Open Banking Regime made easy by award-winning fintech software

Regulations allowing consumers to have greater access to data held by financial institutions will benefit the entire economy, according to the winner of the University of Sydney's first Genesis fintech startup competition.
30 October 2019

Dental researchers develop new glass fibre composite materials

Associate Professor Ayman Ellakwa is part of a team of researchers from UNSW and the University of Wollongong who have received a CRC-P grant with a total project value of $8.3 million, to develop a new fibre-reinforced dental composite.

29 October 2019

NSW Premier recognises scientific and engineering excellence at Sydney

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian tonight awarded the 2019 Premier's Prizes for Science & Engineering. Three University of Sydney academics were recipients, recognised for their work across three categories.
29 October 2019

Business School engages with top Chief Marketing Officers to understand latest trends

The Business School's policy of engaging directly with the marketing industry is paying off, with two of its leading experts in the field recently taking part in the selection of Australia's top Chief Marketing Officers.
29 October 2019

Kids, not gender, the biggest influence on work/care policy attitudes

Young dads consider paid parental leave and childcare to be as important to their future success at work as mothers. And it's the same trend in attitudes to shared household work, according to new research.
29 October 2019

'DNA time capsule' reveals birthplace of modern humans

A landmark study led by Sydney researchers pinpoints the birthplace of modern humans in southern Africa and suggests how climate change may have driven the first migrations.
28 October 2019

Business School remains Australia's leader for business education

The prestigious London based Financial Times has ranked the University of Sydney Business School's flagship Master of Management as Australia's number one program of its kind for the seventh consecutive year.
28 October 2019

Second cohort of Robinson Fellows announced

The second cohort of researchers to receive a four-year fellowship named after the University of Sydney's first Nobel Prize winner has been announced.
28 October 2019

Influential alumnus makes impact on medical community

The University of Sydney School of Medicine alumnus and philanthropist, Dr Barry Catchlove AM, led an extraordinary career in healthcare management. He has also made a significant contribution at the University, generously supporting young researchers.

28 October 2019

Improving TB detection in Vietnam

Leading large clinical trials in Vietnam, Associate Professor Greg Fox is addressing the problem of tuberculosis (TB) case detection in endemic settings using active screening and a modern new molecular test.

25 October 2019

Multimillion-dollar centre opens to investigate the molecules of life

The new ARC centre will discover, decode and develop molecules for health, industry and agriculture. The largest research node will be at the University of Sydney, led by Professor Kate Jolliffe.
25 October 2019

FoodLab Sydney is cultivating a good food community

FoodLab Sydney, a University of Sydney-led innovative food business incubator aimed at creating a vibrant network of local small food businesses in Sydney, has hosted its inaugural graduation ceremony.