Articles published in 2019

12 August 2019

New advances in biocomplexity

Biocomplexity is the study of macro-scale complex structures and behaviours that arise from micro-scale interactions of active biological agents, across multiple levels ranging from molecules and cells to organisms and ecosystems.
09 August 2019

IPCC report on climate change and land: experts react

Experts from across the University of Sydney have warned that significant changes to the way we produce and consume food are needed if we want to save the planet from catastrophic climate change.
09 August 2019

How can future urban development ensure our lived experiences?

The Lendlease Bradfield Scholarship was established in recognition of John Bradfield, celebrated engineer and Sydney University alumnus whose vision drove two of Sydney's most transformative projects: the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the underground railway.
09 August 2019

How to write a strong scholarship application

A scholarship application introduces us to who you are and what you have achieved. While all are different, here are some tips for writing your undergraduate scholarship application.
09 August 2019

Funding boosts cardiovascular research at Sydney

University of Sydney researchers receive NSW Government funding to help combat Australia's number one killer - cardiovascular disease.
08 August 2019

Q&A with Lindsay McCabe: Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme tutor

For the past two years Lindsay McCabe, Sydney University honours student, has helped new students through the Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS). We sat down with Lindsay to understand what it's like to be an ITAS tutor.
07 August 2019

Google awards $1m to University of Sydney to put AI into health

The Westmead Applied Research Centre has won Australia's inaugural $1 million Google.org AI Impact Challenge for a translational digital health program that will use digital tools to prevent heart attacks.
06 August 2019

Resurgent racism project begins

The new project will adopt a transnational, interdisciplinary approach to racism, bringing together top historians, political scientists, cultural studies scholars, sociologists and psychologists. International experts are invited to apply.
06 August 2019

New museum takes shape

Building of the Chau Chak Wing Museum continues, with construction scheduled for completion early next year.
06 August 2019

Eureka Prize: Act Now for TB Control

ACT Now for Tuberculosis Control – Associate Professor Greg Fox and Professor Warwick Britton from the University's Faculty of Medicine and Health and Professor Guy Marks from the University of New South Wales are award finalists for the Eureka Prize for Infectious Diseases Research.
06 August 2019

Eureka Prize: Act Now for TB Control

ACT Now for Tuberculosis Control – Associate Professor Greg Fox and Professor Warwick Britton from the University's Faculty of Medicine and Health and Professor Guy Marks from the University of New South Wales are award finalists for the Eureka Prize for Infectious Diseases Research.
06 August 2019

Communicable Disease Surveillance Ethics in the Age of Big Data and New Technology

Despite existing widespread digital surveillance and major potential community benefits of extending its use to communicable disease control, there is considerable public disquiet about allowing public health authorities access to personal health data.
06 August 2019

Communicable Disease Surveillance Ethics in the Age of Big Data and New Technology

Despite existing widespread digital surveillance and major potential community benefits of extending its use to communicable disease control, there is considerable public disquiet about allowing public health authorities access to personal health data.
06 August 2019

Is FaceApp hoarding our data?

In recent weeks there have been privacy concerns and questions around how FaceApp processes facial images, and whether the app is amassing a database of user-submitted images for political purposes, under the guise of a light-hearted game.
06 August 2019

Is it safe to use an electric fan for cooling?

The safety and effectiveness of electric fans in heatwaves depend on the climate and basing public health advice on common weather metrics could be misleading, according to a new study from the University of Sydney.
05 August 2019

Desert ants thriving, despite looming Insectageddon

The longest study of its kind has found the 'workers of the desert' are helping to stabilise fragile ecosystems.
05 August 2019

Leading bioengineer joins Sydney

Dr Steven Wise is a talented bioengineer whose research aims to develop medical devices to provide better treatment options for people with cardiovascular disease. We chat to him about his career and recent move to the University of Sydney.

05 August 2019

Engineering scholar helps provide gift of hearing

Obtaining a six-month research internship with Cochlear through the Engineering Sydney Industry Placement Scholarship Program served as the ideal opportunity for one student to immerse herself in the biomedical industry and help change lives.
05 August 2019

Electric Cars – They will in time increase car use without effective road pricing reform

David Hensher, Founding Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS), posits that the uptake of electric cars will increase congestion significantly if road pricing reform is not implemented by the government.
05 August 2019

Nature in culture II: the power of meeting

“As a young Indigenous scholar, moving in other peoples’ Indigenous spaces isn’t always acknowledged in many conferences… This experience of bringing my ancestors to this space to meet the ancestors of this land was immense, and in hindsight I can see why my responses were so emotional. Because these kinds of meetings matter, they have power.”