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21 July 2020

Where will a degree in public policy lead you?

From advocating on cyber security policy, to delivering strategic emergency service programs, find out how our public policy graduates are forging fulfilling careers across diverse industries and sectors.
21 July 2020

Why study Disability and Participation?

Are you passionate about changing the way people with a disability are included and supported in communities? The Disability and Participation major can help you learn the skills and knowledge to create an inclusive society.
21 July 2020

6 social enterprises founded by our Commerce student entrepreneurs

From tackling climate change to supporting women in need, our Bachelor of Commerce students and alumni are developing real solutions to some of the world's greatest challenges.
21 July 2020

Missing piece identified for lower-cost, high-quality MRI scans: study

A new international study has identified the missing piece needed to enable low-cost MRI scanners to produce high-quality imaging, which can help revolutionise how doctors diagnose and screen for disease.
21 July 2020

Eating habits of baby predator starfish revealed

The creatures' varied diet complicates scientists' ability to age them. This makes plans for the management of this invasive species more difficult.
15 July 2020

A law degree combined with passion provides endless opportunities

Ella Alexander graduated from The University of Sydney in 2014 with a combined degree in law and arts, majoring in linguistics and indigenous studies. Ella demonstrates that a law degree and passion really can take you anywhere.
15 July 2020

International travel guides of the ancient Greeks

International travel in the ancient world didn't include too many buffet breakfasts. Yet some ancient travellers still had the urge to write travel guides, and Daniel Hanigan couldn't be happier.
14 July 2020

Indigenous students need support in the Covid crisis

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services) Lisa Jackson Pulver highlights what is needed to secure successful outcomes in higher education for Indigenous students.

14 July 2020

Groundbreaking autism intervention gets green light

An autism spectrum disorder treatment that addresses child behaviour and parent wellbeing has received government funding, enabling broader delivery to the public.
14 July 2020

Eyes in the sky: how real-time data will revolutionise rice farming

About 10 percent of the world's arable land is dedicated to rice cultivation. Yet there is no consistent global monitoring of yields or greenhouse gas emissions. Working with international collaborators, Professor Budiman Minasny will change that with a real-time app to be called Paddy Watch.
14 July 2020

Industry and Community Project unit leads to internship with Randstad

The opportunity to work on a real-world problem alongside the HR giant via our Industry and Community Project unit (ICPU) turned into an official internship for Bachelor of Arts student, Emma Peake, and some serious professional development.
13 July 2020

4 skills graduates need to get a job post COVID-19

Our Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Dr Michael Spence AC, shares his thoughts on the skills that graduates need to be successful.
13 July 2020

University of Sydney launches new Master of Dental Public Health degree

The University of Sydney has just launched a new master's degree in dental public health that brings together dentistry and public health disciplines to transform oral health at a population level.
13 July 2020

Revealing COVID-19 transmission in Australia by SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing and agent-based modeling

Examining the added value of near real-time genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in a subpopulation of infected patients during the first 10 weeks of COVID-19 containment in Australia and compare findings from genomic surveillance with predictions of a computational agent-based model (ABM).
13 July 2020

Revealing COVID-19 transmission in Australia by SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing and agent-based modeling

Examining the added value of near real-time genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in a subpopulation of infected patients during the first 10 weeks of COVID-19 containment in Australia and compare findings from genomic surveillance with predictions of a computational agent-based model (ABM).
13 July 2020

From the Dean

2020 feels like it has already run longer than a year and we are only halfway through. The impacts of COVID-19 are being felt globally but also unevenly with some countries, some demographics, some sectors, even some suburbs hit much harder than others. I hope that you are weathering this immensely trying period as well as can be expected.
12 July 2020

Who's your daddy? Male seahorses transport nutrients to embryos

Researchers have discovered male seahorses transport nutrients to their developing embryos in their brood pouch. The next step is to find out how they do this and if they have a placenta.
12 July 2020

Corona and climate: mental health in an age of uncertainty

Jo Longman and Maddy Braddon find stark parallels between their work on the mental health and wellbeing impacts of climate change and the current pandemic gripping so many lives.
11 July 2020

WIRES uses bushfire donations to support University koala research

WIRES are giving donations from the general public, in response to this year's bushfires, to the University's Koala Health Hub to support their koala research and care.
10 July 2020

Genetic 'fingerprints' of first COVID-19 cases help manage pandemic

Genomic data from COVID-19 cases in the first 10 weeks of Australia's outbreak proved vital to understanding the trajectory of the disease and has an important role to play moving forward.