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25 May 2020

What might Covid-19 mean for Mobility as a Service (MaaS)?

Professor David Hensher suggests that the 'new normal' introduced as a result of coronavirus restrictions offers a golden opportunity to reform the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) sector.
22 May 2020

Philanthropy supports new Indigenous healthcare model

Donation enables social and emotional wellbeing and scholarships to become part of Indigenous health course.
22 May 2020

Reading Beckett and Joyce with a French accent

Paris came to a corner of the University of Sydney when Professor Jean-Michel Rabaté visited to review an Australian colleague’s manuscript about Samuel Beckett, lecture on James Joyce, and give a masterclass on Jacques Derrida, who was his mentor and friend.
22 May 2020

Genome technology to save Australia's unique biodiversity

Australia is one of the most biologically unique and diverse countries in the world. But 480 animals and 1294 plants are listed as threatened. The Threatened Species Initiative aims to help protect them.
22 May 2020

Stitch in time: how a quantum physicist made new code from old tricks

Building large-scale quantum computers will require suppression of errors. Dr Ben Brown has used a neat trick to apply powerful 3D error-suppression codes in a 2D architecture, something one industry insider said many thought was impossible.
22 May 2020

Next-generation solar cells pass strict international tests

Light-weight, cheap and ultra-thin, perovskite crystals have promised to shake-up renewable energy for some time. Research by Professor Anita Ho-Baillie means they are ready to take the next steps towards commercialisation.
21 May 2020

Library helps create COVID-19 historical record

In recognition of the extraordinary period of history the COVID-19 pandemic represents the University of Sydney's Library is asking University staff and students to contribute materials capturing their experience of living through the pandemic.
21 May 2020

Engineering students design COVID-19 ventilator

As part of the CoVida ventilator team, three students from the Faculty of Engineering were able to put their knowledge into practice and solve a pressing global issue – the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
21 May 2020

31,300 NSW jobs rely on University of Sydney

Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Michael Spence said today that getting the University of Sydney back to full strength and contributing to our national economy was essential to Australia's COVID-19 recovery plans.
20 May 2020

Funding success for vital health and medical research

Researchers from the University of Sydney have been awarded more than $62 million in funding for 43 new health and medical research projects to improve childhood vaccination programs, transform the treatment of osteoarthritis and utilise new technologies to regenerate damaged heart tissue.
20 May 2020

The difference between Arts and Social Sciences majors

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20 May 2020

Dealing with mental health in a changing world

Youth mental health expert Samuel Hockey provides some basic tips and advice on how to look after your mental health during these times of crisis and uncertainty.
20 May 2020

Scholarship supports education and teaching of Indigenous language

In life and death moments, clarity and purpose can be found. Kelli Owen's moment showed her that she wanted to help Aboriginal kids know their traditional language. A scholarship helped her do it.
19 May 2020

Vale, Emeritus Professor Gerald Wilkes (1927-2020)

Emeritus Professor Gerald Wilkes, best known for establishing a basis for Australian literature scholarship, passed away on May 15, 2020.
19 May 2020

Sydney dental community bands together during COVID-19

From redesigning the simulation clinics to ensure students can graduate on time to setting up a communal pantry with donated essential goods, Sydney Dental School staff have been going above and beyond to support their students during COVID-19.
19 May 2020

A legacy that could change lives

Susan and Stephen Wolkowicz are leaving a generous bequest to the University of Sydney to advance congenital disorder research. The donation will fund a scholarship named after their late son Paul Wolkowicz.
19 May 2020

Professional experience: How arts students get it for credit

As the workforce trends towards soft skills, we caught up with three Bachelor of Arts students who brought their communication and problem-solving abilities to bear while interning at Amnesty International, Macquarie Dictionary and the European Australian Business Council.

19 May 2020

The history of the Sydney School of Public Health

Founded in 1930, Sydney School of Public Health is Australia’s first and leading school of public health. Each day, we are tackling the greatest health challenges the world faces by providing quality education, conducting high-impact research and translating knowledge into action.
19 May 2020

Top 5 tips for first-year music students

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18 May 2020

Practice social distancing on trains: a pious hope for Sydneysiders?

Although coronavirus restrictions are starting to ease in NSW, the difficulties associated with practising social distancing on public transport need to be addressed sooner rather than later, writes Dr Chinh Ho.