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04 March 2020

Early start key to easing the trajectory of childhood obesity

On World Obesity Day, a new study shows that early education and support for pregnant women and parents could be key to combating rising rates of obesity in Australian kids.
04 March 2020

A possible legal solution to sexual harassment at work

By classifying sexual harassment as a workplace harm, workplace health and safety (WHS) laws could help prevent it, according to researchers.
03 March 2020

Three Australian Academy of Science award winners

The outstanding contributions to science of three of our researchers have been recognised by the Australian Academy of Science.
03 March 2020

Expert in politics and data science joins Sydney

Dr Denis Stukal’s research focuses on the impact of bots in U.S and Russian politics, and how people consume and process information on social media.
03 March 2020

A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China

Emerging infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Zika virus disease, present a major threat to public health. Despite intense research efforts, how, when and where new diseases appear are still the source of considerable uncertainty.
03 March 2020

A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China

Emerging infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Zika virus disease, present a major threat to public health. Despite intense research efforts, how, when and where new diseases appear are still the source of considerable uncertainty.
03 March 2020

Key transitions in the evolution of rapid and slow growing mycobacteria identified by comparative genomics

Mycobacteria have been classified into rapid and slow growing phenotypes, but the genetic factors that underlie these growth rate differences are not well understood.
03 March 2020

Key transitions in the evolution of rapid and slow growing mycobacteria identified by comparative genomics

Mycobacteria have been classified into rapid and slow growing phenotypes, but the genetic factors that underlie these growth rate differences are not well understood.
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Coronavirus is a respiratory illness with symptoms ranging from a mild cough to pneumonia. Good hygiene can prevent infection.
03 March 2020

Coronavirus in the news

Coronavirus is a respiratory illness with symptoms ranging from a mild cough to pneumonia. Good hygiene can prevent infection.
03 March 2020

Safeguarding against the financial impact of COVID-19

The University of Sydney today announced a series of measures to safeguard the institution from the growing economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
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02 March 2020

Recognising cultural identity

From its earliest days, the University of Sydney was proudly in and of this land. When University founders chose the motto "sidere mens eadem mutato" and endorsed the design of the original seal, they delighted in representation of the southern night sky and the flora and fauna of this new country.
02 March 2020

MBI research into pandemic infection control initiatives

MBI and APPRISE research fellow Dr Mary Wyer recent grant success will allow her to expand her research preparing Australia's hospitals for infectious disease outbreaks
02 March 2020

MBI research into pandemic infection control initiatives

MBI and APPRISE research fellow Dr Mary Wyer recent grant success will allow her to expand her research preparing Australia's hospitals for infectious disease outbreaks
02 March 2020

Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease

MBI researchers, Tania Sorrell and Sharon Chen, join 65 experts across the globe to review reference standards for clinical trials of antifungal agents, diagnostic tests and for epidemiology studies.
02 March 2020

Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease

MBI researchers, Tania Sorrell and Sharon Chen, join 65 experts across the globe to review reference standards for clinical trials of antifungal agents, diagnostic tests and for epidemiology studies.
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New museum to open doors November 2020

The new Chau Chak Wing Museum will open to the public 18 November 2020, bringing together the University’s three major collections with state-of-the-art facilities to support education and research.
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