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02 March 2020

More on Electric Cars – Life Cycle Emission Concerns

The environmental and ethical ramifications of electric cars and battery technologies need to be taken into consideration before being hailed as a panacea for the global mobility crisis, writes Professor David Hensher.
02 March 2020

Introducing new postdoctoral research fellow June Rubis

We sit down with our new postdoc June Rubis, to talk about her work on native relations and the environment with a focus on environmental change in Malaysian Borneo.
28 February 2020

Development and environmental management in modern India

Working with NGOs to solve wildlife management issues and assessing sustainable farming practices were some of the learning experiences political economy and geography students gained, as part of the recent India Field School.
27 February 2020

4 myths about PCOS - and why they're wrong

New research shows it can be common for women to be misdiagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. Lead author PhD candidate Tessa Copp and colleagues explain the issues, including erroneously equating PCOS with infertility.
27 February 2020

To save these seahorses, we built them 5-star underwater hotels

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27 February 2020

New era for historic Nicholson Museum

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27 February 2020

Global engineering education leader brings expertise to Sydney

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Brain disease found in former Australian rules player

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26 February 2020

Strange bedfellows: a new era of resilience and uncertainty

Australians are still reeling from the aftermath of the recent onslaught of fire, rain and floods, daily lives upended by these unprecedented disasters. Hannah Della Bosca reflects on her latest research with community groups and their processing of such shock events.
26 February 2020

SEI celebrates more than a ‘bight’ sized win as Equinor pulls out of Bight oil project

After months of collaborative recommendations and campaigning efforts between Sydney Environment Institute’s academic experts, Greenpeace and community activist groups, Norwegian oil company Equinor has abandoned plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight.
26 February 2020

Solidarity through a student’s lens

Film-making extraordinaire and Bachelor of Commerce graduate Martin S Phabmixay shares the inspiration for his Solidarity Tree video, created for our affected students in China, and takes us behind the scenes of his creative journey.
26 February 2020

Opioid prescriptions for chronic non-cancer pain doubled in 24 years

A review of 24 years of global research has shown opioid prescribing doubled between 1991-2015, with demand most common for chronic conditions such as chronic lower back pain, finds University of Sydney-led research.
26 February 2020

Practitioner in Residence Presentations

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25 February 2020

How should world leaders protect us?

A total fire ban was declared for NSW on the smoke-drenched evening last November when Professor Ole Wæver gave a talk “Hope vs Fear: climate change as a security issue”. When his six-month SSSHARC fellowship ended in January, he had watched the most destructive bushfires in Australia’s history turn the country into a dramatic case study for his theory.
25 February 2020

How to become a dentist

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25 February 2020

How we're celebrating Mardi Gras: 5 minutes with Michelle Dickson

Mardi Gras is around the corner and this year's theme is What Matters? We caught up with Dr Michelle Dickson about what matters to her as a proud Aboriginal woman and member of the LGBTIQ community.
25 February 2020

University of Sydney sociologist bound for the IAS in Princeton

Associate Professor Sonja Van Wichelen has been invited to join the prestigious Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton (IAS), which counts Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer among its past members.
25 February 2020

UN Women Australia MBA scholarships awarded to drivers of workplace change

The University of Sydney Business School has awarded UN Women Australia MBA scholarships to two very different people, one a doctor, the other an engineer, who share a commitment to effecting "long-lasting change."
24 February 2020

Trade barriers force multinationals to rethink global strategies

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