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26 July 2021

Over 150 computers donated for Aboriginal children’s home learning

It's hard enough for school students to learn from home during Greater Sydney's ongoing lockdown. But what if you don't even have a computer? A University staff member has organised a donation drive to rectify this issue for Aboriginal children in need.
23 July 2021

Confirmed case of COVID-19 at Sydney Dental School

We were advised early this morning that a staff member at our Sydney Dental School in Westmead has tested positive for COVID-19.
22 July 2021

'An entourage effect': new clues on how low-dose CBD products work

Research from the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics shows that hemp extracts deliver high concentrations of cannabinoid acids in mice due to a 'pharmacokinetic entourage' mechanism.
22 July 2021

Sydney students awarded 2021 MADE by the Opera House scholarships

The University of Sydney once again dominates the chart with 4 out of 5 students represented in this prestigious multidisciplinary scholarship from the Sydney Opera House.

22 July 2021

Lift off! Space projects soar with new funding

The three separate grants have been jointly awarded to Faculty of Engineering researchers and partner organisations to develop and manufacture aerospace infrastructure.
22 July 2021

COVID-19 as Catalyst? Contradictions and Opportunities

SEI Doctoral Fellow Anna Sturman draws upon themes from her thesis to ask: what might we learn from the present COVID-19 crisis that can help us to respond to the unfolding climate crisis?
22 July 2021

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Strategy, Innovation and Management lead to?

The Strategy, Innovation and Management specialisation in the Master of Commerce will develop you into an effective strategist, innovator and leader in established and entrepreneurial organisations.
22 July 2021

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Global Logistics lead to?

The Global Logistics specialisation within our Master of Commerce will open up a world of exciting career possibilities in the global logistics and supply chain management industry.
22 July 2021

What careers can a Master of Commerce specialisation in Business Information Systems lead to?

The Business Information Systems specialisation offers a variety of career paths across almost every area of business, from working in corporations and consulting firms to entrepreneurship and developing your own startup.
22 July 2021

No progress: Physical inactivity remains a global pandemic

Experts are calling for urgent action to improve physical activity worldwide, with research showing no progress in nearly a decade and that the Olympics are a missed opportunity to change health at the population level.
21 July 2021

Why Byron Bay shows us that regional housing has become the new gold rush

For all of the glitz and glamour of Hollywood moving to Byron Bay, lies a problem that is playing out across many parts of regional Australia: homelessness and housing affordability. While supply is the long term solution, what can be done now to people who are having their roofs over their head being sold from underneath them?

20 July 2021

Touchscreen alternative allays fear of world indium shortage

Indium is used to manufacture touchscreens and other smart devices, but there is no guaranteed, long-term supply of this scarce substance. A new plasma technology may be the answer, writes Dr Behnam Akhavan.
20 July 2021

Plasma tech could replace one of world's rarest materials

New plasma coating technology could see the phase-out of rare earth metal indium that is used in smartphone glass and dimmable windows, which is predicted to run out in 10 years.
20 July 2021

How the science of wellbeing can help build resilience

From teddy bears in windows to panic buying, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how crises can elicit different human behaviours. A University of Sydney expert is calling for a shift in thinking from 'me' to 'we' to bolster communities through the pandemic.
19 July 2021

Media mentions

We are regularly engaged in wider public discussion around mental health, substance use and other related topics.
19 July 2021

Review of Australian COVID-19 research finds lack of collaboration and crucial gaps

Researchers are calling for improved national coordination of Australian COVID-19 trials, after analysis finds lack of data sharing and collaboration resulting in crucial research gaps.

17 July 2021

Galactic fireworks: stunning features of nearby galaxies revealed

Using the most advanced telescopes on Earth and in orbit, scientists like Dr Rebecca McElroy have gained unprecedented access to nearby galaxies, investigating how clouds of cold gas coalesce into hot balls of nuclear fusion giving birth to stars.
17 July 2021

Donation from Penelope Seidler creates Visual Understanding Initiative

A generous gift will improve students' visual literacy and help researchers understand how images shape the world.
16 July 2021

Chinese investment in Australia consolidates to pre-mining boom levels

Chinese investment in Australia fell in value and number for the calendar year 2020 from the previous year. Investment value was down 26.8 percent to $2.5 billion from $3.4 billion in 2019, the lowest level since 2007, according to a new report by the University of Sydney and KPMG.
16 July 2021

Study challenges overheating risk for pregnant women exercising in the heat

Pregnant women are at no greater risk of dangerous 'overheating' when exercising in hot weather compared to non-pregnant women, according to a world-first Australian study.