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02 February 2021

Beyond qubits: the next big step to scale up quantum computing

Through the Microsoft partnership with the University, Professor David Reilly and colleagues have invented a device that operates at 40 times colder than deep space to directly control thousands of qubits, the building blocks of quantum technology.
02 February 2021

Human activity forces animals to move 70 percent further to survive

A world-first study has analysed 208 previous papers to quantify the impact of human activity on animal movement. DECRA Fellow Dr Tim Doherty warns the impacts threaten species survival and biodiversity.
01 February 2021

New year and a new look for Positive Choices

Significant changes have been made to the Positive Choices portal to make it easier for students, school staff, parents and families to find trusted, evidence-based information, resources and prevention programs.
01 February 2021

Millennials aren't the only 'burnout generation' (just ask the rest of us)

COVID has been accompanied by a seemingly permanent state of angst. But it is not just a pandemic that has many experiencing burnout, writes Dr Steven Hitchcock from the University of Sydney Business School.
01 February 2021

Push for change to elder abuse laws to prevent false claims

Australian legislators should consider relaxing guardianship and power-of-attorney laws, argues Dr Ben Chen. This would likely result in fewer unjust claims against family guardians and attorneys.
01 February 2021

Benefitting from Covid-19

We should try to take advantage of the worldwide disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic to establish new paradigms around what we value beyond pure monetary goals, writes Dr Alastair Stone.
01 February 2021

Writing in the midst of a world in peril

In the lead up to the publication of her new book Summertime, Deputy Director Danielle Celermajer reflects on the process of writing as a means of moving through rage, terror and grief.
29 January 2021

Lorikeets might get their wings back, thanks to University

Two hundred thousand dollars from WIRES will help fund various projects, from determining where wombats cross dangerous roads, to exploring the causes of disease in lorikeets and possums.
28 January 2021

Studying health online in the new COVID-19 world

When COVID-19 hit, international student Yutong Wang was just weeks away from starting her degree at Sydney. Travelling via Thailand she arrived on campus in March but by August she was back at home in Nanjing, China, studying her degree fully online.

27 January 2021

Seeking feedback on a resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health

Researchers from the Matilda Centre are seeking feedback on a recently developed resource to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing.

27 January 2021

Idea Factory: education program helping students to innovate

Our award-winning multidisciplinary program Idea Factory helps engineering and marketing students innovate.
27 January 2021

Storying extinction

Sophie Chao meditates on the power of storytelling as a means of remembering and repairing multispecies connections in times of crisis.
25 January 2021

How much is news worth to Google and Facebook?

Are Google and Facebook really prepared to pull services from their Australian users rather than hand over some money to publishers under the bargaining code? Associate Professor Tim Dwyer explains.
22 January 2021

What you need to know about hydrogen energy

Australia is well-placed to develop a booming hydrogen economy and export market. But experts say there are several challenges that must be met in order for a wide-scale uptake and national rollout to happen.
22 January 2021

"Of no cultural significance": The science of understanding Country

Aboriginal people’s connections to Country are complex and intertwined with all the other aspects of their lives. Working with local custodians, archaeologists can provide a tool for the protection of Country and culture.
22 January 2021

Conjuring water from thin air — A beetle's guide to innovation

Water scarcity is a serious global issue, but what if water could be conjured out of thin air? Learn how the Namib Desert Beetles extract water from fog on their shells and the innovative research on these materials.
22 January 2021

Buried deep – the medical benefits of an ancient herbal plant

We are on the crest of a turning medical cannabis wave, but the same reform is lacking for substances such as coca, a plant well-regarded for its medical benefits in South America.
22 January 2021

Fisher space pen

The Fisher pen company developed the technology of an anti-gravity pen for the Apollo program with the cost as small as $2.39.
22 January 2021

Safeguarding chickpeas from significant changes in climate

There's cultivars of chickpea that are more tolerant to high temperatures, meaning they maintain a similar yield at higher temperatures compared to ambient, but we’re not entirely sure why or how.
21 January 2021

Chemical researchers develop "green" ammonia

Ammonia has sustained humanity since the early 20th century, but its production leaves a huge carbon footprint. Now researchers have found a way to make it 100 per cent renewable.