Articles published in 2022

09 May 2022

University influencers take the stage at Sydney Writers Festival 2022

University of Sydney staff, students and alumni will join the line-up of local and international writers and thinkers at Sydney Writers Festival 2022.
06 May 2022

Medical researchers awarded over $11 million in funding

Projects to improve chronic musculoskeletal conditions in children and adolescents, improving care in emergency departments and a novel model of care for low back pain are among those receiving federal funding.
06 May 2022

Sydney Law School team ranked equal third in the world

Sydney Law School student team reaches semi-finals of the prestigious 2022 Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Competition.

05 May 2022

Honorary Fellowship awarded to sports physician

Dr Katherine Rae, a University of Sydney alumna, received an Honorary Fellowship for her service to the University in sports medicine.
05 May 2022

Over the counter: Tracking inappropriate antibiotic supply by pharmacies in Vietnam

University of Sydney-led research finds that inappropriate antibiotic supply is common in community pharmacies across Vietnam, a practice that contributes to antimicrobial resistance.
05 May 2022

Digital health support systems help improve health for people with breast cancer

A study has found people with breast cancer who received ongoing support through digital resources such as websites and mobile apps reported improved quality of life, and less stress and fatigue.
05 May 2022

New reports inform the future of health in our region

COVID-19 and other emergencies have highlighted the interdependence of health security and health systems; with an opportunity to build back better. Two new reports provide a roadmap for stronger post-pandemic health systems in the Indo-Pacific.
03 May 2022

Meet the University of Sydney's volunteer community

Ahead of National Volunteer Week, we're celebrating our alumni volunteers. Working across a broad range of University of Sydney programs, they are donating their time and expertise to build a stronger community.

03 May 2022

New arrivals welcomed through Refugee Language Program

Volunteer teachers and tutors are working with recently arrived refugees to build English language skills and settle into Australia through the University of Sydney's Refugee Language Program.

03 May 2022

Showing up for others, thanks to supporters

Student bursaries remain a critical lifeline for students in desperate need of financial support. For Tim Bishop, they have enabled him to focus on realising his career aspiration as a linguist whilst raising a young family.
03 May 2022

Policy matters

Australians will be heading to the polls on May 21. Beyond the political theatre of the campaign trail, how should our political leaders be responding?
03 May 2022

Trailblazing alumni win awards for creating positive change

Sydney Law School alumni, Niny Borges and Olivia Morris, have been recognised in the Alumni Awards 2022 for their commitment to making the world a better place.
03 May 2022

Successful test launch a giant leap for rocketry team

The University's rocketry team have successfully launched their rocket, Bluewren, ahead of a prestigious international student rocketry competition held annually in the United States.
03 May 2022

Telescope dons 'sunglasses' to find brightest ever pulsar

A pulsar star, 10 times brighter than any other discovered outside our Galaxy, has been found by a University of Sydney-led team.
02 May 2022

Words of wisdom from our medicine and health alumni

As a new cohort of medicine and health professionals graduate and enter the workforce, we asked our alumni to reflect on their university experiences and pass on a word of wisdom to the class of 2022.

02 May 2022

Composting our way to a sustainable planet

It's International Compost Awareness Week, and while you may not know it, this is one of the best ways to make a meaningful impact in mitigating the effects of climate change.
02 May 2022

Youth outline top health concerns on scientific stage

Young people feel like they are left behind to manage multiple health risks. If no action is taken, it could be a precursor to chronic health diseases, writes a group of high school students given access to voice their concerns on a stage usually reserved for academics.
02 May 2022

How forensic psychology finds the truth in unreliable memories

Associate Professor Helen Paterson's interest in working with witnesses and victims of crime emerged out of being a witness herself while in Sydney on exchange from the University of British Columbia.
02 May 2022

Sensor bracelet designed to give back control to hand-impaired

Australian researchers are developing a 3D printed bracelet to allow people living with hand-impairment to easily use computers and play video games.
02 May 2022

How sustainable is it to have your groceries delivered? Or can we do better?

Mark Raadsen looks at the environmental impacts of an activity many of us have embraced since the pandemic started - online grocery shopping.