
31 August 2015

Health benefits of dog ownership explored in new research node

Man's best friend is set to become his lab partner, with the launch of a research node on the health effects of dog ownership at the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre.

31 August 2015

We expand our Indo-Pacific engagement

Improving the supply of medicines in Fiji, natural resource management in the Mekong, and the health of livestock in Cambodia and Laos are among 20 new projects to be undertaken as part of the New Colombo Plan.

30 August 2015

Sydney alumni echo our vision of leadership

We celebrate the achievements and values of our students and alumni in a campaign that rolled out on campus, online, and on train stations, buses and street posters across Sydney last week.

28 August 2015

Why Hockey’s call for tax cuts to fuel growth is a flawed argument

Treasurer highlights fundamental questions about how we think economies behave and the role of government, writes Associate Professor Graham White.

28 August 2015

International effort tackles reproduction of original science results

A massive international collaboration of researchers replicated 100 studies in prominent psychology journals to test the replicability of their results.

27 August 2015

Eureka Prize for Associate Professor Michael J. Biercuk

Associate Professor Biercuk was recognised with the prestigious prize for contributions at the leading edge of quantum science research.

27 August 2015

Legal risk in bombing Syria

The government faces some thorny legal questions as the fight against Islamic State draws our troops towards Syria, writes Malcolm Jorgensen.

27 August 2015

Athletes score for disability and donors

Wheelchair basketball athletes from the NSW Institute of Sport and Wheelchair Sports NSW showed their support for the Pave the Way campaign this week.    

26 August 2015

Tianjin disaster takes social news sharing to new levels in China

Associate Professor Tim Dwyer and PhD candidate Weiwei Xu write in The Conversation

26 August 2015

Why Republicans reject the Iran deal - and all diplomacy

The tendency to reject diplomatic deals is rooted on the right of the American political spectrum, write Dr Nicole Hemmer and Tom Switzer in the New York Times.