
23 July 2015

Australia beating UK in baby food battle

Aussie children are getting a better start than their UK cousins, with research in Australia finding that the majority of baby and toddler foods sold in supermarkets is of a high nutritional quality.

10 July 2015

Quad, set and match: our hidden tennis past

One of Sydney's most iconic buildings - the University of Sydney Quadrangle - has an unlikely past: as a tennis court.

25 June 2015

Does baby snore like dad?

Babies who snore are widely under diagnosed according to Australian researchers investigating less costly and more effective methods of identifying sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) in infants.

22 June 2015

Caution not a by-word for inaction on Indigenous affairs

It is time to come together to support a proposal that shifts the focus from courts and lawyers to Indigenous Australians themselves, writes Professor Anne Twomey.

15 June 2015

How ABC TV's Catalyst changed patients' use of statins

More than 60,000 Australians are estimated to have reduced or discontinued their use of prescribed cholesterol-lowering statin medications following the airing of a two-part series critical of statins by ABC TV's science program, Catalyst, a University of Sydney study reveals in the latest Medical Journal of Australia.

12 June 2015

Lambert donation puts Australia at forefront of medicinal cannabinoid research

A $33.7 million gift to the University of Sydney, the largest donation ever made to research, will establish the Lambert Initiative for cannabinoid therapeutics research. 

28 May 2015

Protein and carbs, not calories, hold the key to long life

New University of Sydney research shows low protein, high carbohydrate diets could be as effective at extending life as calorically restricted diets.
26 May 2015

What is the best way to kill a cane toad?

Researchers from the University of Sydney have found a pain-free way for the general public to humanely kill cane toads.
21 April 2015

Killer bees test a double win for Australian honeybees

Using a highly accurate test Australia will be able to import honeybees, including varroa-resistant bees from countries where killer bees are present.