
30 May 2016

Crowdfunding campaign supports students competing in Indigenous Unigames

The University of Sydney's latest crowdfunding campaign will raise funds to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students compete in the National Indigenous Tertiary Education Student Games.

27 May 2016

University and Colleges meet with Elizabeth Broderick

The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and all six Heads and Chairs of the Residential Colleges met with Elizabeth Broderick

26 May 2016

Saying sorry isn't enough for Indigenous children

All children should be supported to be safe in their families and communities, write Judy Cashmore and Teresa Libesman.

26 May 2016

The heart medicine that may have given us Van Gogh’s Starry Night

Professor Andrew McLachlan questions whether Van Gogh suffered from digitalis toxicity.

25 May 2016

Optics breakthrough to revamp night vision

A breakthrough by Australian researchers could make infra-red technology easy to use and cheap, potentially saving millions of dollars in defence and other areas using sensing devices.

24 May 2016

Never too young to benefit from CPC Westmead’s research

The Charles Perkins Centre at Westmead places researchers who are tackling the most critical health problems facing Western Sydney close to the populations affected. 

24 May 2016

11 things you always wanted to know about nanoscience

Physicists from the new Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology answered hundreds of questions about nanoscience.

24 May 2016

Are walking challenges doing you good?

Walking challenges are not getting inactive people to become active writes Dr Lina Engelen.

24 May 2016

Experts call election candidates to support action plan on rising suicide

Mental health experts want federal election candidates to support suicide prevention trials in regional Australia after releasing a report revealing suicide rates exceeded road fatalities in 28 electorates audited between 2009 and 2012.

24 May 2016

Coral bleaching solution could be just beneath the surface

A United Nations report edited by the University of Sydney's UNESCO Chair in Marine Science offers a glimmer of hope to those managing the impact of bleaching on the world's coral reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef.