
05 May 2016

Times Higher Education releases global reputation rankings

The University of Sydney has been ranked among the top 100 most prestigious universities in the world in the latest Times Higher Education World Reputation Rankings.

03 May 2016

PolicyCheck: Negative gearing reform

Despite being widely described as a "tax rort for rich investors", negative gearing is not a tax concession, as Dr Danika Wright explains. However, it does encourage over-investment and over-leveraging in Australia's housing market.

03 May 2016

Shot or poisoned? Does the choice of Trump or Cruz really matter?

A survey of 1200 voters provides insight into which candidate is closest to the median American voter on the issues, writes Professor Pippa Norris.

03 May 2016

Australia’s prohibition of e-cigarettes is out of step with the evidence

A new report by the Royal College of Physicians in the United Kingdom says electronic cigarettes are much safer than smoking and encourages their widespread use by smokers.

03 May 2016

US Government investment in quantum

An international consortium comprising European groups and Associate Professor Michael Biercuk's Quantum Control Laboratory at the University of Sydney has been awarded a multimillion-dollar grant from the United States Office of the Director of National Intelligence for research in quantum technology.

29 April 2016

Value capture no path to infrastructure utopia

Value capture is no silver bullet for infrastructure funding, writes Garry Bowditch, Executive Director of the Better Infrastructure Initiative at the John Grill Centre for Project Leadership.

29 April 2016

Explainer: how do drugs work?

Whether a drug is prescribed by the doctor, bought over the counter or obtained illegally, we mostly take their mechanism of action for granted and trust they will do what they're supposed to.

29 April 2016

Trading tools for mathematical models - top honours for former sparky

Renewable energy networks is the new focus of former electrician Aaron Ramsden, who this week will graduate from the University of Sydney with First Class Honours and a University Medal recognising his academic excellence in the field of power engineering.

28 April 2016

Like father, like son – pioneering ambitions to help Pakistan’s renal patients

Pakistan's spiraling death rate due to chronic kidney disease could be dramatically reduced by a pioneering hemodialysis mixing and delivery process, a University of Sydney masters researcher alleged at the IET Present Around the World Competition  held on Friday in Perth.

 Taha Shakoh represented NSW showcasing his improvement on a simple mixing and central delivery system currently used in kidney dialysis.

28 April 2016

Australia's gun numbers climb

For the first time since the Port Arthur massacre, Australia's national arsenal of private guns is larger than before the subsequent introduction of strict gun control laws, writes Associate Professor Philip Alpers.