
05 April 2016

Intel internship for young Aussie algorithm designer

Amid growing concerns surrounding the potential environmental impacts of massive data centres, Duncan Moss, has been invited to undertake a yearlong research internship with multinational technology company, Intel. 

05 April 2016

Man's best friend is getting smaller

Australian fans of purebred dogs now favour small, brachycephalic breeds - with shorter and wider heads - which are more susceptible to a number of health problems.

05 April 2016

Marketing to nurses to influence hospital purchasing decisions

Hospital-based nurses have high levels of contact with pharmaceutical and medical device sales people but receive little guidance about managing purchasing decisions, a new study in Annals of Internal Medicine reveals.

04 April 2016

Difference in a federal system should be cherished not feared

If states controlled more of their school funding, competition could lead to innovation where the best ideas are adopted nationwide, writes Professor Anne Twomey.

01 April 2016

Operatic scale conservation

Sydney's iconic Opera House has embarked on a concrete conservation project that will keep the grand diva of construction looking its best for future artists, audiences and visitors.

01 April 2016

How student entrepreneurs are getting their startups off the ground

Got a brilliant business idea? You don't have to wait until you graduate to put your ideas into action because we've got a number of programs to help you get started on your startup.

01 April 2016

New mosquito threats shift risks from our swamps to our suburbs

The outbreak of Zika virus has refocused the attention of health authorities on mosquito-borne disease, writes Dr Cameron Webb.

01 April 2016

University of Sydney launches 2016-20 Strategic Plan

The University of Sydney has announced an ambitious reform agenda which will triple its annual research investment, transform its undergraduate offering and create closer ties with industry and community partners.

31 March 2016

University speakers among Sydney Writers' Festival highlights

This year's festival features a wide range of University staff and alumni and a special Sydney Ideas event with international author and philosopher Julian Baggini. 

31 March 2016

Macquarie’s Castle celebrated in world-premiere performance at The Chancellor’s Concert

A world-premiere performance of a new Elena Kats-Chernin work headlines the 2016 Chancellor's Concert at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music on Friday 8 April.