
18 March 2016

Health professionals lack knowledge about female genital mutilation

Health practitioners need more resources and expert guidelines to provide appropriate medical and psychological treatment for women and girls that have had female genital mutilation or cutting, says a new review of the evidence by University of Sydney scholars. 

18 March 2016

Tinder users find love at second swipe

New research from the School of Psychology published in Science Reports reveals people using online dating apps are more likely to rate a face as attractive if the preceding face is also attractive. 

18 March 2016

Why being fat is an advantage for ants

Lean forager ants suffer malnutrition faster and die earlier than their fatter nest-based worker ant counterparts, according to new research co-authored by a University of Sydney researcher.

18 March 2016

Do you really need to go to hospital? Time to recentre the health system

Hospitals dominate our health-care system and account for more than one-third of Australia's AUD$150 billion-plus health budget. Pressure is growing on hospital services and costs are spiralling.

17 March 2016

University of Sydney experts comment on the UK's sugar levy

University of Sydney experts have commented on the UK Government's decision to put a levy on sugar-containing beverages in a bid to reduce childhood obesity.

17 March 2016

The 24/7 city, creativity and the lockout laws

The city is the perfect place for clubbers to share a coffee with early-rising suits. They should have an equal right to see the sunrise, writes Sydney College of the Arts' Dr Oliver Watts.

17 March 2016

University welcomes new 10-year plan for mathematics

A new ten-year plan for mathematics in Australia, launched today by federal education minister Simon Birmingham, has called for compulsory mid-level mathematics for university entry, just one month after the University of Sydney announced its own mathematics prerequisites.

17 March 2016

Ecology redefined in game-changing nutrition research

New research from the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre will create a seismic shift in the study of ecology, transforming one of the fundamental concepts of the field with cutting-edge nutrition research.

16 March 2016

University of Sydney’s first MOOC rethinks a 21st century music education

The University of Sydney's first MOOC centred on teaching music in the 21st century launches this month and urges music educators to rethink how technology is used to motivate school students to learn and make music.

16 March 2016

Defenceless against artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence must be kept under human control or we may become defenceless against its capabilities, warn two University of Sydney machine-learning experts.