
10 March 2016

Virtual time machine of Earth's geology now in the cloud

How did Madagascar once slot next to India? Where was Australia a billion years ago? Cloud-based virtual globes developed by a team led by University of Sydney geologists mean anyone with a smartphone, laptop or computer can now visualise, with unprecedented speed and ease of use, how the Earth evolved geologically.  

10 March 2016

We should broaden our view of science if it's to help make good public policy

Actor and science advocate Alan Alda will address the National Press Club today, talking about the importance of communicating science to the public, writes Professor Penny Hawe.

09 March 2016

Campaign finance failed to meet international standards in two-thirds of all elections in 2015

Flawed and failed elections around the world are manipulated through vote rigging and corruption, intimidation and violence, according to an annual report released by the Electoral Integrity Project.

09 March 2016

Nanoscience and technology institute launching

The Australian Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, launching next month, provides a world-leading environment for scientists at the forefront of nanotechnology to address some of the biggest challenges facing society. Today's Sydney Morning Herald front page feature gives an insight into our "quantum leap" into the next frontier.

09 March 2016

Maria Sharapova’s positive drug test: what is it and what does it mean for her?

Overnight, Maria Sharapova called a press conference to announce she had tested positive for a banned substance (mildronate) during this year's Australian Open.

08 March 2016

A hot house of women composers sets up at The Con

Historically classical music composers have been mostly men and still today women only make up 26 per cent of composers registered with the Australian Music Centre. The Sydney Conservatorium of Music will launch the first national women composers development program this month to address the gender imbalance in music composition in Australia.

08 March 2016

Male circumcision: latest population figures revealed

Globally, one-third of males aged 15 and above are circumcised but male circumcision is almost universal in countries where the Muslim and Jewish faith are commonplace, according to the most accurate estimate among the world's 237 countries.

08 March 2016

Activity monitoring devices could become instrumental in cardiac rehabilitation

Fitbit device helps monitor physical activity levels of cardiac patients.

08 March 2016

Free Macleay Museum exhibition visualises climate data

Rapid Prototyping: Models of Climate Change is an exhibition of the work of Kate Dunn, who takes climate scientists' data and reworks them into 3D visualisations using 3D printers and sustainable materials such as clay, coffee and wood pulp. 

08 March 2016

Why sexual harassment by customers goes unreported

New research from the University of Sydney Business School has investigated customer perpetrated sexual harassment and examined the coping mechanisms used by young waitresses, shop assistants and bartenders.