

05 October 2016

Australia leads the United States in women at work

Australia has caught up to - and on some measures surpassed - the United States in female labour force participation and in relation to women's representation in senior and strategic organisational roles, according to new report from the United States Studies Centre. 

05 October 2016

Is our health care system delivering for Aboriginal communities?

A new study by the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and Faculty of Health Sciences will determine which services are available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and where improvements might be made.

04 October 2016

Time to protect Antarctica again

In 1991, Australia proved it was an environmental world leader with the Antarctica agreement and now we need to do it again, writes Professor Tim Stephens.

04 October 2016

Nobel Prizes' controversial push for popularity

The Nobel organisations have been steadily working to modernise the prizes’ image.

04 October 2016

Australia’s power – what comes next?

The development of an integrated national ‘whole of system’ model for Australia’s electricity and gas systems, maximising the use of ‘excess’ renewable energy and an increasing focus on the consumer, will be among the key recommendations presented at the final FutureGrid Project roundtable at the University of Sydney.