
10 February 2017

Recognising National Apology Day

On 13 February 2008, the Australian Parliament made a formal apology to Australia's Indigenous peoples acknowledging past policies that harmed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, families and communities.

10 February 2017

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The 11th of February is the UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science. A day both recognising achievements of women in science and trying to inspire and engage women and girls in science.

09 February 2017

The great invention search

PhD candidate Jonathan Englert needs inventors to share tales of ingenuity, for a new study investigating Australia's strong track record of creation. 

08 February 2017

Male infant circumcision has a 200 to one risk-benefit: research

There is a 200 to 1 risk-benefit in favour of infant male circumcision compared to the lifetime risk of being an uncircumcised male, a new study in today's World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics reveals.

08 February 2017

Cost of living deters disadvantaged students

Disadvantaged and low-SES students are disproportionately affected by cost-of-living pressures, writes University of Sydney Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence in The Australian.

08 February 2017

Cats at risk from deadly virus outbreak

Pet owners and vets are being warned against complacency after the resurgence of a deadly feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) - almost eradicated 40 years ago by vaccinations - was confirmed by Australian tests recently.

08 February 2017

Claims ADHD is immature behaviour make it worse for those affected

ADHD does exist and a warranted diagnosis offers help to children who are struggling due to this common, biological condition, writes Dr Alison Poulton.

07 February 2017

Joss Bland-Hawthorn receives prestigious UC Berkeley Professorship

ARC Laureate Professor Joss Bland-Hawthorn has been awarded a visiting Miller Professorship to work at the University of California Berkeley, United States.

07 February 2017

How unspoken collusion fixed petrol prices

A study detailing 'tacit collusion' by major fuel firms leads an MP to urge measures to protect consumers and ensure greater competition on petrol prices. 

07 February 2017

Hissstory: how the science of snake bite treatments has changed

From ammonia and alcohol, to splints and antivenoms: Dr Peter Hobbins from the Department of History charts the evolution of Australia's snake bite treatments.