
11 January 2017

Adventures in Africa

When Julia De Bruyn first started studying vet science, she never expected to find herself years later doing research to improve children's nutrition in rural African communities. 

11 January 2017

Explainer: How does sunscreen work?

Professor of Dermatology, Diona Damian, brings to light everything you need to know about sunscreen, including why it's still important during the cold winter months.

10 January 2017

'Weekend Warriors' share health benefits

Physical activity patterns of just one or two sessions a week may be enough to reduce deaths from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer, regardless of adherence to exercise guidelines, new research reveals.

09 January 2017

How we overuse (and underuse) health funding

International experts have pinpointed how reforming the overuse and underuse of health and medical services around the world can improve health outcomes and stem spiralling costs of healthcare.

06 January 2017

Sydney debaters conquer world

James Leeder and Emma Johnstone, never ones to shy away from good conversation and a healthy argument have taken out a prestigious world title.

06 January 2017

Great Barrier Reef almost drowned

A unique analysis of the famous reef during rapid sea-level rise at the beginning of the Last Interglacial found it almost died. The PhD research shows the reef is resilient but questions remain about cumulative impacts.

05 January 2017

Parks: not just for people

While our parks are tailored for human benefit and enjoyment, this overlooks the complex interactions that underlay even the most basic ecosystem, writes postgraduate student Manuel Lequerica.

03 January 2017

For the love of science and music

The first entry in a series where we ask our students to tell us about their passions and pursuits outside of the sciences.