
21 August 2020

Apple, Google and Fortnite's stoush is a big tech arm wrestle

There has been a clash of clans in mobile gaming, with angry birds Apple, Google and Epic Games in a saga over in-app payments. Dr Marcus Carter and Dr Kyle Moore, our Fortnite experts, explain why.
21 August 2020

Five Young Tall Poppy Science Award winners

The Young Tall Poppy Science Awards recognise scientific research excellence and public outreach in early career researchers.
20 August 2020

Teaching the joy of learning

As she describes it, Associate Professor Marian Vidal-Fernandez is not your typical academic. Her career in academia was not by design, but one she fell into.
20 August 2020

From stem cells to islets - hope for treatment of type 1 diabetes

An international team including the University of Sydney has reprogrammed human stem cells to generate insulin-producing HILOs (human islet-like organoids). When transplanted into mice, HILOs restore glucose control.

20 August 2020

Drilled Alaska: experts comment on Trump's oil and gas plan

The US Department of the Interior has approved oil and gas drilling in Alaska's pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. University of Sydney experts comment on the possible impact on the environment, Native Peoples and animal populations.
19 August 2020

4 ideas for the Pacific's most pressing humanitarian issues

This is what happened when 200 of the most inventive Australian students got together - virtually - for a weekend of humanitarian innovation hacking.
18 August 2020

Low humidity increases COVID risk; another reason to wear a mask

Professor Michael Ward says we could face increased risks of coronavirus community transmission when humidity is low or when the air is drier.
17 August 2020

University strengthens performance in ARWU rankings

The University has improved its position by six places within the world's top 100 universities in the latest Academic Ranking of World Universities.
13 August 2020

BHP Foundation supports COVID-19 Mental Health Think Tank

COVID-19 Mental Health Response Independent Think Tank brings together a broad range of expertise to pursue evidence-based mental health policy.
12 August 2020

Live from the Lab

Musicians from the Conservatorium of Music have been working alongside scientists and engineers from the Sydney Nano Institute, composing new music inspired by their emotional response to the Grand Challenges; the flagship projects at Sydney Nano.