
27 July 2020

$3.9m for Australia's first Chair of head and neck cancer surgery

Family foundation gift allows University of Sydney in partnership with Chris O'Brien Lifehouse to establish inaugural Lang Walker Family Foundation Chair in Head and Neck Cancer Reconstructive Surgery.
23 July 2020

In conversation with Marc Newson

Since graduating in jewellery and sculpture from Sydney College of the Arts, designer Marc Newson has gone on to become arguably one of the most influential designers of his generation. Hear him discuss his career, design practice and the themes that have informed his work.
23 July 2020

Surprising benefits of learning online

First year commerce student, Khuat Son Tra (Hazel) Nguyen, adapted remarkably well to learning online thanks in large part to her tutors and lecturers at the University of Sydney Business School.
22 July 2020

Fauna extinction listings may jump 14 percent after 2019-20 fires

The first study into the impact of Australia's worst-ever bushfires on fauna habitat has found almost 50 species may be added to the listing of endangered species under the EPBC Act, suggesting urgent action is required.

21 July 2020

How can genomic fingerprinting help us trace coronavirus outbreaks?

When positive cases of COVID-19 are identified, genomic sequencing can help us understand where they have come from, writes Dr Rebecca Rockett.
21 July 2020

Missing piece identified for lower-cost, high-quality MRI scans: study

A new international study has identified the missing piece needed to enable low-cost MRI scanners to produce high-quality imaging, which can help revolutionise how doctors diagnose and screen for disease.
21 July 2020

Eating habits of baby predator starfish revealed

The creatures' varied diet complicates scientists' ability to age them. This makes plans for the management of this invasive species more difficult.
15 July 2020

International travel guides of the ancient Greeks

International travel in the ancient world didn't include too many buffet breakfasts. Yet some ancient travellers still had the urge to write travel guides, and Daniel Hanigan couldn't be happier.
14 July 2020

Indigenous students need support in the Covid crisis

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Indigenous Strategy and Services) Lisa Jackson Pulver highlights what is needed to secure successful outcomes in higher education for Indigenous students.

14 July 2020

Groundbreaking autism intervention gets green light

An autism spectrum disorder treatment that addresses child behaviour and parent wellbeing has received government funding, enabling broader delivery to the public.