
09 June 2020

Chinese investment in Australia falls by over 50 percent in 2019

Chinese investment in Australia fell 58 percent from A$8.2 billion in 2018 to A$3.5 billion in 2019, according to a new report by KPMG and the University of Sydney.
05 June 2020

Marine Studies Institute marks World Oceans Day

In recognition of the United Nations World Oceans Day on 8 June, we dive in to the research and international contributions of our University of Sydney Marine Studies Institute.
05 June 2020

Heart disease & stroke research receives $12.4 million federal funding boost

Improving quality of life for people affected by stroke and heart disease, designing biocompatible heart valves, just some of the projects led by University of Sydney researchers receiving $12.4 million in funding.
05 June 2020

Australia is not doing enough to preserve biodiversity

On World Environment Day, two environmental law researchers reflect on the reasons for our diminishing natural bounty, and offer a way to save it.
04 June 2020

5 tips for spotting amazing wildlife in the city

Slow down, pay attention and notice a world of natural activity around you. The Urban Field Naturalist Project invites you to look for wildlife in the city and share photos and stories with others.
04 June 2020

Could manufacturing aid Australia's economic recovery?

Following a federal government call for the reignition of domestic industrial activity, University of Sydney experts comment on the role of advanced manufacturing and boosting the digital workforce in Australia's post-coronavirus economy.
03 June 2020

We all have a responsibility to call out racism: Vice-Chancellor

Today the Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence AC wrote to the University of Sydney community, about his reflections on racism during National Reconciliation Week.
02 June 2020

Winter time could be COVID-19 time

Study shows we could be facing increased risks in winter months when humidity is low. New research in Veterinary Science has found a link between COVID-19 and lower humidity. Vigilance must be maintained.
01 June 2020

Forget 'murder hornets', European wasps are beheading Aussie flies

Invasive European wasps have been captured ruthlessly competing over carcasses, including decapitating blowflies and bullying dingoes.
01 June 2020

COVID-19 restrictions came at the right time: new study

A data analytics study from the University of Sydney suggests the timing of COVID-19 restrictions in Australia stopped a significant growth in infections. The techniques used could help guide decision-making during the pandemic.