
08 January 2020

More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires

Professor Chris Dickman has revised his estimate of the number of animals killed in bushfires in NSW to more than 800 million animals, with a national impact of more than one billion animals.
08 January 2020

Black Saturday firefighters want you to listen, not call them 'heroes'

In commemorating firefighters as heroes, we can fall into the danger of overstating their ability to control fires, absolving ourselves of responsibility, write Professor Leanne Cutcher and Dr Graham Dwyer.
07 January 2020

Bushfire support: Vice-Chancellor writes to all staff and students

Vice-Chancellor and Principal Dr Michael Spence today wrote to all staff and students, reassuring the community that the University will provide support as we work through the consequences of the bushfire season.
07 January 2020

Cybersecurity trends in 2020

What will 2020 have in store for cybersecurity? Tighter regulation, increasingly sophisticated attacks on key infrastructure and AI-driven cyber warfare, according to Dr Suranga Seneviratne from the School of Computer Science.
03 January 2020

A statement about the 480 million animals killed in NSW bushfires since September

Professor Chris Dickman estimates that 480 million animals have been affected since bushfires in NSW started in September 2019. This statement explains how that figure was calculated.