October - The University of Sydney



14 October 2020

$1.3m for humanities and social sciences research

Sydney humanities and social science researchers have been awarded more than $1.3m to examine a range of topics, including democracy in the bush, home ownership and what we can learn from history about free university education.
13 October 2020

Statement regarding advertisements on Sydney CareerHub

Today the University of Sydney issued a statement regarding an advertisement lodged by the Hong Kong Police Force, currently listed on our jobs database for students.
13 October 2020

Food delivery services making junk foods more accessible

A study looking at online food delivery options in Sydney and Auckland has found majority of the most popular menu items categorised as 'unhealthy'.
13 October 2020

Tweed Valley a 'natural laboratory' to test carbon sequestration theory

An idea to enhance natural carbon capture from olivine weathering has never been tested at scale. University of Sydney geoscientists have proposed the Tweed Valley as a laboratory and gained some interesting initial results.
12 October 2020

Scholarships for India's next generation of leaders

Ava Khan and Adhip Tanwar both have ideas that could change the lives of millions of Indians living in poverty. It's these big ideas that have led to both being selected as recipients of the two major scholarships offered under the Sydney Scholars India Scholarship program, valued at up to $200,000 (INR 10,000,000) each.
12 October 2020

In the eye of a stellar cyclone

Wolf-Rayet stars are one in a hundred million in our Galaxy. When paired in a binary system they can make among the most stunning ribbon structures known to astronomy. While on COVID lockdown, student Yinuo Han precisely modelled the Apep system.
12 October 2020

University gifted rare original works by Shakespeare precursor and Faulkner

A copy of Ben Jonson's Folio (1616) and a complete set of the works of William Faulkner in first editions have been given to the University of Sydney by two separate donors.
08 October 2020

Sydney leads in medical centres of excellence

The University of Sydney will lead three new national medical research centres in coronary artery disease, prevention of fall-related injuries and multiple morbidities.
07 October 2020

University of Sydney responds to 2020 Budget

The University of Sydney welcomes the federal government's investment in research, and looks forward to continuing to work with governments and industry to address the longer-term structural issues facing the sector.
07 October 2020

Dhuwarr: a celebration of Gomeroi grasses, grains and placemaking

For First Nations cultures of Australia, we are a collective of hundreds of countries, rich with connection to the earth. A new installation explores this understanding - a distinct approach that aims for meaningful cultural and knowledge exchange.