
19 October 2020

University students' subject combinations may affect their performance

Many university students enrol in a diverse combination of subjects from various disciplines. A new analysis suggests that outcomes for such students tend to vary, depending on how they perform generally.
19 October 2020

Sydney research could lead to customised cochlear implants

A School of Biomedical Engineering researcher has analysed the accuracy of predictions for cochlear implant outcomes, with a view to further improve their performance in noisy environments.
19 October 2020

Protect Antarctica Now

A team of female scientists, led by Australians, are urgently calling for a Marine Protected Area around the Antarctic Peninsula. One of the most diverse and wildlife-rich areas on the planet, the fate of the Peninsula's waters will be decided by a multinational government group today.
19 October 2020

University technology spin-off Gelion delivers smart solar benches

Safe, inexpensive and scalable: Gelion's new battery technology has been tested and installed on campus and is now ready for the commercial market in industry, agriculture and residential.