
12 March 2021

Mark Scott appointed Vice-Chancellor of University of Sydney

The University of Sydney today announced that after an extensive international search, Mark Scott has been appointed its 27th Vice-Chancellor and Principal. Mr Scott will start his new role on 19 July this year.
12 March 2021

Rethink prompted on immediate cord clamping for pre-term babies

Changing how pre-term babies' umbilical cords are clamped could improve outcomes and save babies lives, prompting an update of the international guidelines that inform global practice.

11 March 2021

Using fake news for good in the battle to protect vulnerable birds

In a paper published today, researchers from the University of Sydney and Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research found that tactical misinformation - what we call 'fake news' - can be used to deceive predators and double or triple the odds of successful hatching in endangered birds.
11 March 2021

University of Sydney leads $16m NSW dairy recovery program

A new collaborative bushfire resilience project including government, the private sector and the University of Sydney, will apply research to future-proof the dairy industry, it was announced by Agriculture Ministers David Littleproud and Adam Marshall today.

11 March 2021

Opioid script changes mean well but some left with chronic pain

The new regulations on opioid prescriptions certainly have merit, but without providing patient support, it is a one-dimensional strategy to reduce opioid use, writes PhD candidate Aili Langford and co-authors.
11 March 2021

Is construction dawdling on gender progress?

A new study has called for construction management leadership to address organisational complacency and systemic equality challenges by exploring the opportunity for special measures to ensure a substantive change in equality and diversity outcomes.
11 March 2021

Academy of Science honours two University of Sydney researchers

Professor Thomas Maschmeyer from Chemistry and Dr Kevin Coulembier from Mathematics & Statistics have received the recognition of their peers in these prestigious honours awarded annually by the Australian Academy of Science.
09 March 2021

New approach to treating thumb osteoarthritis

Thumb-base osteoarthritis, which is common particularly in post-menopausal women, can greatly limit the use of their hands. Now, a simple mix of treatments focusing on this small but important part of the body could be a solution.
09 March 2021

Playing Beatie Bow brought to thundering life in a joyous stage play

Dr Vanessa Berry, lecturer in Creative Writing, reviews the stage production of Playing Beatie Bow by Sydney Theatre Company.
08 March 2021

Australia has a long history of coercing people into work. There are better options than 'dobbing in'

JobSeeker rules are an extension of Australian's long history of making unemployment support contingent on the idea of "deservedness", writes Dr Frances Flanagan.