
19 January 2021

19th century start-ups

A photographic exhibition at the new Chau Chak Wing Museum draws on the University's historic photography collection to delve into the heyday of commercial studio photography.
19 January 2021

Bzzz, slap! How to treat insect bites

Top tips on how to treat insect bites (home remedies included) by University of Sydney expert Dr Cameron Webb.
19 January 2021

New method to assist fast-tracking of vaccines for pre-clinical tests

With COVID-19 dominating medical science and human concern, our chemists have developed a method to quickly and safely synthesise protein vaccines for respiratory diseases for pre-clinical tests.
19 January 2021

Why you should desex your cat before puberty

New research finds Australia is doing well in the desexing arena. But the age of desexing needs to be brought forward from six months to four months to close a "pregnancy gap" and prevent unwanted litters of kittens.
18 January 2021

Leaders building psychological safety will thrive post-pandemic: new report

Leaders need greater resilience and faster decision-making processes to ensure business longevity, according to a new report by the CEMS Global Alliance, of which the University of Sydney Business School is a member.
15 January 2021

Plastics recycling goes global with KBR-MURA commercial partnership

Removing plastic from oceans and landfill is a major environmental and social problem. Technology jointly developed by Professor Thomas Maschmeyer is making solutions to this problem possible. Today it goes global with a major commercial partnership.
15 January 2021

What lies beneath

Tin Sheds Gallery, School of Architecture, Design & Planning presents Thresholds, an exhibition of collaborative work by Sydney-based artists Julia Davis and Lisa Jones. Curated by Claire Taylor, Thresholds explores ideas of transience and place.
14 January 2021

Sea lion diagnosed with tuberculosis triggers public health concerns

Australian sea lions are an endangered species. New research suggests endemic tuberculosis might be another health threat facing the pinnipeds. Dr Rachael Gray is working to help save our sea lions.
12 January 2021

Where does untreated wastewater go in developing countries?

14 billion litres of untreated wastewater is created each day in developing countries, but we don't know where it all goes. Humanitarian engineer, Dr Jacqueline Thomas explains.
12 January 2021

Living with menstruation is more than pads and toilets

Dr Erin Hunter, lecturer in Global Health at the University of Sydney, was a key contributor to UNICEF's Guidance for Monitoring Menstrual Health and Hygiene. The guide provides an evidence-based approach to assessing the effectiveness of programs developed to help girls and women address their menstrual needs.