
15 February 2022

The strange mechanics of pregnancy in one Australian shark

Biologists have long been fascinated by reproductive diversity in sharks, but haven't yet figured out why some sharks have placentas and others don't.
11 February 2022

University of Sydney welcomes students back to campus

Student life returns for Welcome Week's celebrations and orientation events.
11 February 2022

Sport during school linked to academic performance

As students resume school and summer sport, new research from the University of Sydney shows a positive link between participation in sport and academic performance, with the strongest association when sport is held during school hours.
11 February 2022

Endangered delicacy: tropical sea cucumbers in trouble

Researchers are calling for better protection of tropical sea cucumbers in the Great Barrier Reef whose numbers are dwindling due to persistent and increasing overharvesting.

10 February 2022

Problematic levels of loneliness widespread in many countries

Loneliness at a problematic level is widespread in many countries, finds a University of Sydney led analysis of evidence from 2000 to 2019 across 113 countries and territories.
10 February 2022

Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarship winners announced

$40,000 has been awarded to Sydney College of the Arts alumni Emily Hunt and Pamela Pirovic. Every year, the Fauvette Loureiro Memorial Scholarships are awarded to one mid-career/established artist and one emerging artist.
10 February 2022

University partners with 2U to offer online postgraduate degrees

The University will offer postgraduate students online Master's degrees in high-demand fields beginning February 2023.
09 February 2022

Why some men just can't stomach plant-based food

Dr Diana Bogueva and colleagues explore why men often react strongly to plant-based meat alternatives.
09 February 2022

Meet the newest members of the University's Alumni Council

Jane MacMaster, Engineers Australia Chief Engineer and Ehssan Veiszadeh, Committee for Sydney Deputy CEO have been endorsed by the Senate to join the University's Alumni Council.

08 February 2022

Emma Johnston appointed new Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)

Professor Emma Johnston AO has been appointed to the role of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) after an extensive national and international search.