
04 September 2023

5 minutes with Vpply CEO Tom Lipczynski

Tom Lipczynski (B Sc '04) is the founder and CEO of the globally recognised video interview platform, Vpply. Here he shares some advice on how jobseekers can stand out from the crowd by using innovation and leveraging technology.
04 September 2023

How debate can improve urbanism and design

From debates about housing density to protests over environmental heritage or the impacts of platforms and digital automation, the 10th Festival of Urbanism will engage in the complex challenges facing urban life.
04 September 2023

Parents worst affected by COVID-19 lockdown

A University of Sydney study of the second longest lockdown worldwide found that mothers, in particular, were the loneliest demographic and suffered the largest physical and mental health declines as a result. The research was published in Nature Human Behaviour.
01 September 2023

What will putting the interests of Qantas ahead of Qatar Airways cost? $1 billion per year and a new wave of protectionism of legacy carriers

The government's decision to deny Qatar Airways the right to fly an extra 21 flights per week into Australia's three biggest cities might just be returning Australia to the old days where we protected Australia's national carrier at the expense of Australians, writes Professor Rico Merkert.
31 August 2023

Half of Australian businesses plan to invest in digital payments

Nearly half of Australian businesses plan to invest in digital payments over the next 12 months, according to new research from the University of Sydney Business School and Stripe.
31 August 2023

Mapping Australia's hidden lithium reserves

New research has pinpointed the concentration and distribution of lithium across Australian soil, providing crucial insights for identifying potential reserves in the country.
31 August 2023

Google adds health tips to extreme heat advisories based on latest research

Important health and safety tips are being made available to millions around the world, thanks to a new Google search feature developed in collaboration with the Global Heat Health Information Network and informed by University of Sydney research.
31 August 2023

New amphitheatre for student performances in Royal Botanic Garden

Music students will be invited to perform in a new amphitheatre in the Royal Botanic Garden as part of a generous gift from a donor who wants to share his combined love of music and tranquil gardens with the general public.
30 August 2023

What you need to know about the 14 October Voice referendum

Amid the political debate, the logistics of the referendum has received less attention. Constitutional law expert Professor Emerita Anne Twomey breaks down what to expect on the day and afterwards.
30 August 2023

Indigenous Strategy and Services portfolio supports the Voice

Today the leadership of the University of Sydney's Indigenous Strategy and Services portfolio released a statement endorsing the Uluru Statement from the Heart and supporting a Voice to Parliament.