
15 April 2024

Important health information missing in online food delivery menus

Many menu items on online food delivery services do not display important nutritional information. Researchers say current NSW menu labelling laws should be updated and monitored closely on online food delivery services.
15 April 2024

University community mourns tragic death of our student at Bondi Junction

Support is available for our community following the tragic death of one of our students at Bondi Junction this weekend.
13 April 2024

AI can write you a poem and edit your video. Now, it can help you be funnier

University of Sydney researchers have developed an AI application using cartoons from The New Yorker to help people be funnier.
12 April 2024

Holding the Man at Belvoir holds precious memories for queer community

Associate Professor Huw Griffiths, in English Literature, reviews Holding the Man, a new production of Tommy Murphy's adaptation of Tim Conigrave's memoir. He says the 1995 book is a rare gift, capturing what it was like to grow up gay in the decades before the arrival of HIV.
11 April 2024

Net Zero course to equip business leaders ahead of mandatory climate reporting deadline

The transition to net zero is the great challenge of this century, and more support is now available for businesses preparing for new climate reporting requirements.
11 April 2024

Plant more native trees to reduce landslide risk, say researchers

Landslides typically occur under heavy rain. With the potential for increased precipitation due to climate change and a possible return to La Nina reinforcing slopes with native trees and shrubs could be an effective, economical and sustainable solution.
11 April 2024

36 disciplines in the global top 50 in QS Subject Rankings

Two disciplines in the top ten and six in the top 20 in the QS Subject Rankings among strong results.
10 April 2024

Does the time of day you move your body make a difference to your health?

Undertaking the majority of daily physical activity in the evening is linked to the greatest health benefits for people living with obesity, according to researchers who followed the trajectory of 30,000 people over almost eight years.
10 April 2024

EVs face future challenges despite increasing uptake

Few Australians are opposed to electric vehicles in principle - but a new transport survey has revealed one key hurdle to widespread uptake.
10 April 2024

Evidence doesn't support spinal cord stimulators for chronic back pain - and they could cause harm

A recent ABC 4 Corners episode questioned the use of surgically implanted devices called spinal cord stimulators for chronic back pain. Dr Adrian Traegar and co-authors investigate the evidence base.