
10 April 2024

Five minutes with digital health expert, Ali Besiso

Ali Besiso (B Hlth Sci '10, M H I '12, MBA '23) is passionate about improving health care through digital innovation. Transitioning from health sciences to leading two successful digital health startups, we caught up with him to learn more about how the digital era is reshaping patient care worldwide.
10 April 2024

Days are getting shorter and colder. 6 tips for sticking to your fitness goals

As the days grow shorter and colder, maintaining fitness routines can be challenging. These six tips offer practical strategies to stay motivated and committed to your fitness goals.
10 April 2024

Why cocaine is considered performance-enhancing for athletes

Cocaine use is now considered performance-enhancing, particularly concerning the timing of ingestion, and the significance of when it is consumed in sports ethics and anti-doping measures.
10 April 2024

Pig kidney transplant raises hope but we're far from fixing organ shortages

The successful transplantation of a pig kidney into a human marks a significant medical milestone, but experts caution that solving organ shortages remains a distant goal.
10 April 2024

Sydney leads new trial of youth vaping schools program

The University of Sydney is leading a new approach to reduce the number of young people vaping and smoking in a trial in schools across the country.
10 April 2024

A once-dormant magnetic neutron star is emitting strangely polarised light

Magnetars are neutron stars with strong magnetic fields. With CSIRO astronomers, Dr Manisha Caleb from the School of Physics has found one of the most powerful magnets discovered - XTE J1810-197 - and it doesn't quite fit existing theory.
08 April 2024

Chinese investment in Australia falls to second lowest level since 2006

Chinese investment in Australia has diversified but plateaued, the latest report from The University of Sydney Business School and KPMG reveals.
05 April 2024

ABBA: 50 years since Waterloo

Dr Jadey O'Regan, lecturer in Contemporary Music Practice at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, recalls the magic of ABBA's Waterloo as the group releases a 50th anniversary edition of their classic pop album.
05 April 2024

New privacy-preserving robotic cameras obscure images beyond human recognition

Robotic researchers have developed a new approach to designing cameras, which they say could help protect the images and data collected by smart home devices and internet-of-things technology.
04 April 2024

Museum removes Egyptian body parts from galleries

The Chau Chak Wing Museum has this week removed unwrapped mummified body parts from its Egyptian galleries.