
09 February 2024

Engineers to develop robot maintenance crews in space

SmartSat is backing the University of Sydney with $2.3 million to research and develop robotic maintenance of satellites while in orbit in a step to extend the lifespan of vital space infrastructure.
08 February 2024

Smartphones mean we're always available to our bosses. 'Right to disconnect' laws are a necessary fix

Availability creep has led to significant unpaid overtime which "takes workers away from a fair day's work for a fair day's pay", writes Associate Professor Chris F Wright for The Conversation.
08 February 2024

What made Earth a giant snowball 700m years ago? Scientists have an answer

Dr Adriana Dutkiewicz was inspired during a field trip to the Flinders Ranges to find out how volcanic activity turned our blue dot to an ice covered planet. Together with Professor Dietmar Muller and the EarthByte group, they've produced an answer.
07 February 2024

University of Sydney launches Welcome Program for 2024

The annual celebration for students will draw thousands, with gigs by leading Australian artists and an array of big events.
06 February 2024

Lunar New Year 2024: What does the Year of the Dragon mean?

Associate Professor Xiaohuan Zhao, from Chinese Studies in the School of Languages and Cultures, shares what it means to be born in a Year of the Dragon or to live through the Year of the Dragon in 2024.
06 February 2024

$35M for life-changing corneal blindness research

University of Sydney-led BIENCO consortium has received $35 million from the Australian Government to commercialise their world-leading research into treatments for corneal blindness.
06 February 2024

Why do we have single sex schools?

Tradition and retrograde ideas about social interactions between boys and girls still inform discussions around co-educational versus single-sex schooling, write University of Sydney authors for The Conversation.
05 February 2024

Fulbright scholars awarded at Sydney

Five University of Sydney academics and alumni will travel to the United States as part of the Fulbright Scholarship Program. The University will host an academic as part of the exchange.
05 February 2024

Optimism key to greening the global financial system

The transition away from fossil fuels requires a significant and global shift towards sustainable investment, and institutional investors are key.
05 February 2024

Sticking with sport during school years linked to academic success

As school and summer sports resume, a new study from the University of Sydney finds links between kids' long-term participation in sport and increased academic performance, including impacts on NAPLAN scores, absenteeism and likelihood to attend university.