An abstract image of nerve cells.

Health & medicine

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15 July 2023

Fish-free omega-3 supplement created from bacteria

A new generation omega-3 supplement has been commercialised by a research affiliate in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and the Sydney Knowledge Hub to address the increasing demand for omega-3s amid diminishing supply from fish stocks.
13 July 2023

Unemployment and underemployment significant drivers of suicide: analysis

Analysis led by University of Sydney researchers has revealed causal effects of unemployment and underemployment on suicide rates in Australia, with an estimated 10 percent of reported suicides over a 13-year period resulting from labour underutilisation.
11 July 2023

Digital skin check service wins Sydney Genesis startup competition

A dermatologist who has developed technology to tackle melanoma has won $25,000 towards his venture in the University of Sydney Business School's flagship startup accelerator.
05 July 2023

It's time to bust the 'calories in, calories out' weight-loss myth

A simple formula for weight-loss sounds appealing, but Dr Nick Fuller explains for The Conversation why the reality of dieting is more complicated than simply burning more calories than we consume.
04 July 2023

Is it time for a Medicare-style 'Denticare' scheme?

Private dental care is increasingly unaffordable, and millions of Australians go without the treatment they need. Affordable and available dental care is crucial to addressing inequality in Australia.