
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

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21 January 2021

Migrant teachers offered path to Australian accreditation

Teachers with overseas qualifications and years of experience can now fast-track their accreditation into Australian schools with a bridging course developed by University of Sydney.
12 January 2021

Where does untreated wastewater go in developing countries?

14 billion litres of untreated wastewater is created each day in developing countries, but we don't know where it all goes. Humanitarian engineer, Dr Jacqueline Thomas explains.
12 January 2021

Living with menstruation is more than pads and toilets

Dr Erin Hunter, lecturer in Global Health at the University of Sydney, was a key contributor to UNICEF's Guidance for Monitoring Menstrual Health and Hygiene. The guide provides an evidence-based approach to assessing the effectiveness of programs developed to help girls and women address their menstrual needs.
07 January 2021

What's behind Trump supporters' brazen storming of the Capitol

A sense of impunity and the Republican party's 'power at all costs' attitude are behind the absurd protests, the Senior Lecturer in American Politics and Foreign Policy argues in a piece for The Conversation.
17 December 2020

Truth can be obscured by bodycam footage: research

A study on how viewing footage may affect a police officer's statement about an event shows that footage does not always replicate what an officer experienced.
16 December 2020

Who cares for care workers?

The intricacies of the employment-care work connection must be better factored into policy, a new expert report asserts. Now, more than ever, bolstered child, disability and aged care arrangements will benefit all Australians.
16 December 2020

Australia likely no longer key migration destination

Save for India, people from other countries are lukewarm on migration to Australia, finds a study based on open-access web data. The study also reveals that while Australians are highly engaged in migration as a subject, they feel neutral about it in practice.
14 December 2020

Sydney wins prestigious global education award

The University of Sydney dominated this year's QS Reimagine Education awards, with the Business School's Job Smart Edge initiative winning the overall Global Education Award for its comprehensive program to provide international students employability skills and experience for their future careers.
14 December 2020

Four reasons why the cashless 'welfare' card trial must stop

Associate Professor Ruth Phillips argues against a program that limits what people can buy with welfare payments. The program has just been extended by two years.
10 December 2020

China debate borrows language from the Cold War

Professor James Curran at the University of Sydney delivered an address at the Australian Institute of International Affairs in Sydney about the current problems in Australia's relationship with China.
08 December 2020

University of Sydney first choice for school leavers in NSW

The University of Sydney continues to be the preferred university for New South Wales school leavers, according to data released this week from the Universities Admissions Centre.
08 December 2020

University of Sydney researcher joins prestigious authors list

The American Library Association has selected a book on why the US has failed to intervene in genocide as one of its top academic titles for 2020.
02 December 2020

Cannabidiol (CBD) in cannabis does not impair driving, landmark study shows

Scientists from the Lambert Initiative have shown that a medically active component of cannabis does not impact driving ability and moderate THC intoxication lasts a few hours, with implications for drug-driving laws and managing medical cannabis.
27 November 2020

Vale Jim Wolfensohn

Following his passing in New York, the University pays tribute to renowned lawyer, economist, philanthropist and alumnus James Wolfensohn.
18 November 2020

Is it time for Australians to stop cooking with gas?

It is time for a serious rethink on the way many of us cook and heat our homes, writes Dr Madeline Taylor and Professor Susan Park from the Sydney Environment Institute.
17 November 2020

What belonging and security feel like for young people in out-of-home care

A University of Sydney research project asked young people with foster care backgrounds: 'what does 'permanency' mean to you?' Their answers, in photographs and words, have been collated into a book that the researchers hope will inform government policy.
12 November 2020

First conclusive evidence horses hurt by whips, whips don't aid jockeys

Two papes published in journal Animals lend support to a ban on whipping in horse racing. They respectively show that horses feel as much pain as humans would when whipped, and that the whip does not enhance race safety.
12 November 2020

Don't be a HASS-been, HSC leavers

If you are a year 12 student with a preference for humanities, don't change it. Invest in a future where you will be sustained by your passion for your work and where your skills will be valued contributions to the world.
11 November 2020

Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia elects Garry Barrett

Professor Barrett, Head of the School of Economics, will join 37 other new appointees to the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia - the nation's top social sciences advisory body.
09 November 2020

Why harassment threatens to keep women out of 'shovel-ready' industries

After the federal government announced budget stimulus that prioritised male-dominated industries, new research from the University of Sydney reveals women already working in those sectors are experiencing a pernicious problem: gender harassment.