
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

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28 January 2020

China in 2020 - what can we expect?

Last Saturday 25 January was Chinese New Year. As we move into the year of the rat, experts at the University of Sydney share their thoughts on what we can expect from China in 2020.
23 January 2020

Dissecting Prime Ministers' Australia Day speeches

Australia Day and Anzac Day are meant to be opportunities for Prime Ministers to unite and inspire Australians, yet research suggests that their speeches often don't reflect diversity and can even marginalise certain groups.
21 January 2020

Cousin took a DNA test? Courts could use it to profile you

Police already use DNA databases to identify suspects, but what if judges used them to inform sentencing decisions? Dr Allan McCay and Christopher Lean investigate.
14 January 2020

What will shape our world in 2020?

In 2020, unrest in Hong Kong, political turbulence in Australia, and spats over social media will continue to dominate the news. Meanwhile, the gaming industry, significantly larger than the film and music industries, might experience travails and triumphs.
08 January 2020

More than one billion animals killed in Australian bushfires

Professor Chris Dickman has revised his estimate of the number of animals killed in bushfires in NSW to more than 800 million animals, with a national impact of more than one billion animals.
08 January 2020

Black Saturday firefighters want you to listen, not call them 'heroes'

In commemorating firefighters as heroes, we can fall into the danger of overstating their ability to control fires, absolving ourselves of responsibility, write Professor Leanne Cutcher and Dr Graham Dwyer.
17 December 2019

Four things you might not know about Christmas

Think you know everything about Santa Claus and the myriad traditions that surround him? Professor Carole Cusack, from the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Sydney, shares some festive season facts that may surprise you.
12 December 2019

Law School scholar named nation's top criminologist

The University of Sydney Law School's Professor of Criminology Gail Mason has been recognised for her lifetime achievements and contributions to criminology with the top national honour in the field.
11 December 2019

The Honourable Dr Robert Austin receives Doctor of Laws

Arts/Law graduate, Sydney Law School academic and former Judge of the Supreme Court of New South Wales, the Hon. Dr Robert Austin has received a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) for his contributions to the legal profession.
11 December 2019

University of Sydney Law School declares climate emergency

Accepting the warnings delivered by climate scientists about the dangerous state of the earth's climate, the Board of The University of Sydney Law School has voted unanimously to declare a climate emergency.
09 December 2019

#TrophySkulls and genuine fakes

From paintings looted by Nazis to human remains traded on Instagram, the Palgrave Handbook on Art Crime provides a peek into a mysterious world.
02 December 2019

Rushed revenge porn laws risk over-criminalisation

University of Sydney criminal law experts have warned of the risks of rushing to enact new criminal offences on 'revenge porn'.
28 November 2019

Changing the face of Australia's leadership

The University of Sydney has created a fellowship program to nurture cultural diversity within the next generation of Australian leaders.
20 November 2019

How a Sydney student champions the LGBTIQ community globally

Amy McCarthy has been instrumental in improving support for transgender students at the University of Sydney. Now, the undergraduate student is pushing for change on a global scale.
15 November 2019

Working with India to address human impact of climate change

Today the University of Sydney, Australia signed an MOU research agreement with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in Mumbai to work on collaborative research around the flagship theme of 'Human Security in the Anthropocene'.
15 November 2019

Meet the 2019 Bradfield finalists

The next wave of Sydney visionaries share their ideas for the Sydney of the future. Discover the ideas which have placed them as the finalists for the 2019 Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholarship.
15 November 2019

ARC funding will help researchers better understand disadvantage

Sydney researchers have received an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project grant to study how social assistance dependence is linked across generations using Australian Centrelink data.
14 November 2019

Harry Potter parallels with religion

Professor Carole Cusack found that Potterheads can be seen as akin to worshippers in their devotion to the fabled tales.
01 November 2019

Colonial history researcher awarded prestigious fellowship

A Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Sydney's Department of History has been granted $20,000 to investigate the history of monetary relations between colonial Australia and the rest of the world, and consider how this resonates today.
31 October 2019

Sydney researchers helping to break the cycle of disadvantage

University of Sydney economists and health experts will spearhead a new research project that will help Australian children and families overcome the challenges of deep and persistent disadvantage.