
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

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30 October 2019

Lockout laws review shows vital role of transparent data analysis

Processes of data collection and analysis used to decide policy need to be as independent and transparent as possible, academics from the University of Sydney's Centre for Translational Data Science say.
29 October 2019

Kids, not gender, the biggest influence on work/care policy attitudes

Young dads consider paid parental leave and childcare to be as important to their future success at work as mothers. And it's the same trend in attitudes to shared household work, according to new research.
18 October 2019

Can consciousness and free will help us compete with robots?

It is hard to predict whether we will eventually be masters of, or slaves to, artificial intelligence. Sydney Law School's Dr Allan McCay argues that robots will remain our inferiors until they can compare 'apples' and 'oranges' like we can.
16 October 2019

Physical activity in lessons improves students' attainment

Students who take part in physical exercises like star jumps or running on the spot during school lessons do better in tests than peers who stick to sedentary learning, according to a University College London and University of Sydney study.
04 October 2019

The Honourable Nicola Roxon receives Doctor of Laws

Former parliamentarian the Honourable Nicola Roxon has received a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) in recognition of her contributions to government, health and public health law.
27 September 2019

Troubled waters: experts comment on the drought and water policy

Australia is bracing for another hot, dry summer. With no respite in sight for drought-affected communities, what's the long-term solution for our chronic water shortage? University of Sydney experts weigh up the options and examine current policy proposals.
12 September 2019

9 moments in the University of Sydney's history you need to know

From the world's first female radio astronomer to the discovery of neurons that allow us to see in 3D, a new book details highlights from Australia's first University.
12 September 2019

Welfare drug tests: Social Darwinism or necessary evil?

This week, the federal government tabled a Bill that, if passed, will trial drug testing among welfare recipients in three locations. Labor and the Greens have opposed this since it was first proposed in 2017. University of Sydney health, policy, and welfare experts, too, condemn it.
12 September 2019

Study casts doubt on accuracy of mobile drug testing devices

Research at the University of Sydney Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics suggests the devices currently used return both false positives and false negatives.
06 September 2019

Ripple effect of toxic executives in schools

Written by University of Sydney and UTS academics, a new paper decodes destructive school leadership and its harmful, pervasive consequences.
04 September 2019

Climate increasingly a mainstream health issue

Sydney has led a new Lancet comment on global warming and health; its publication came ahead of the latest declaration on climate as a health emergency, this time by the Australian Medical Association. Our experts explain why.
04 September 2019

University of Sydney signs MoU with criminology leader

The University of Sydney, which has its own criminology research centre, will officially expand its joint operations with the government crime research agency.
30 August 2019

The implications of Boris Johnson's parliamentary suspension for Brexit

Tightened parliamentary timeframes have made the prospect of Britain exiting the European Union on 31 October without a deal in place far more likely, writes Professor Anne Twomey for The Conversation.
29 August 2019

Government funding to support research on children and permanency

The University of Sydney will continue its world-leading research on children's best interests in open adoption and out-of-home care, thanks to a recent NSW Government investment.
23 August 2019

What's happening in the Amazon?

Scientists, engineers and anthropology experts from the University of Sydney discuss the inferno that's raging through the Amazon, devastating large swathes of rainforest and increasing CO2 levels.
22 August 2019

When the patient is the planet

What should doctors do when the patient in the emergency room is the planet? History can help us understand and answer this pressing question.
13 August 2019

Former guerrillas becoming conservationists

Researchers from the University of Sydney and the Earlham Institute are working with ex-combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (People's Army FARC-EP) to grow their capability to protect the country's valuable biodiversity.
06 August 2019

Is FaceApp hoarding our data?

In recent weeks there have been privacy concerns and questions around how FaceApp processes facial images, and whether the app is amassing a database of user-submitted images for political purposes, under the guise of a light-hearted game.
01 August 2019

Three reasons to stick with maths

Studying maths is likely to make you smarter and more employable, according to University of Sydney experts.
01 August 2019

Why intercountry adoption needs a rethink

In a globalising world where new family structures are emerging and evolving, a University of Sydney scholar is calling for a reassessment of the regulations around intercountry adoption.