
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

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26 July 2019

Consorting with criminals: a legitimate offence?

A University of Sydney Law School researcher has argued that consorting laws reveal a new character of criminal responsibility in a research paper.
22 July 2019

Global experts to discuss risks facing children on the move

Being held at the University of Sydney this week, the inaugural Children, Migration and the Right to Health Conference will examine key issues facing the world's child migrants.
17 July 2019

A new solution to countering bad science in forensics

Led by a University of Sydney law and psychology expert, an international group of researchers are calling for forensic science to become more open in the interests of justice.
10 July 2019

Over $1.5 million in ARC funding awarded to Sydney researchers

Disaster risk reduction practices to assist people with disabilities and relationship-building practices that foster lifelong connections for children in permanent care are two of four projects that have received funding through the federal government's ARC Linkage Project scheme.
03 July 2019

Our Voices: Indigeneity and Architecture

Indigenous authors from Canada, USA, New Zealand and Australia come together to explore the spaces which are informed by Indigenous identities and perspectives on architecture, design theory and practices.
28 June 2019

The role of law, regulation and policy in feeding the future

The 2019 Food Governance Conference will explore how law, regulation and policy can help address contemporary challenges facing the global food system, including drought, climate change, trade, malnutrition and exploited workers.
14 June 2019

Expert insight into refugees' plight: Refugee Week

Australia's National Refugee Week seeks to celebrate the contributions refugees make to our society while exploring the challenges many continue to confront.
11 June 2019

Sydney experts help secure Australia's place in Remembrance Alliance

Scholars from the University of Sydney's Department of Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish Studies played a vital role in helping Australia secure membership to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
11 June 2019

Honorary doctorate awarded to Chief Justice of New South Wales

University graduate and New South Wales Supreme Court Chief Justice, The Honourable Thomas Frederick Bathurst AC QC has received a Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) from the University of Sydney.
05 June 2019

Outgoing BOCSAR Director appointed to Sydney Law School role

Dr Don Weatherburn has accepted an appointment as Adjunct Professor within the University of Sydney Law School.
30 May 2019

University researchers to help Facebook counter hate speech

Researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences are the first University of Sydney academics to receive research support from Facebook.
28 May 2019

Why an Indigenous voice would not be a 'third chamber' of parliament

Other bodies that inform parliament, like the Productivity Commission, aren't considered 'third chambers' as they have no power to initiate, pass or reject bills, writes Professor Anne Twomey in the Sydney Morning Herald.
22 May 2019

Experts ask authority to hold oil giant to account on Bight plan

A group of energy and natural resource experts, led by the University of Sydney, is calling on Australia's regulator to hold Norwegian oil company Equinor to account over its proposal to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight.
20 May 2019

Sydney experts advocate for inclusivity at the OECD

Intergenerational inequality creating a new class system, the need to apply a gender lens on the future of work and women in STEMM are some of the key arguments University of Sydney academics will make at the 2019 OECD Forum.
13 May 2019

How the major parties stack up on work, care and family policies

The Work and Family Policy Roundtable has delivered a pre-election score card that rates how Labor and Liberal policies stack up against the research evidence on what a strong work, care and family policy platform should look like.
13 May 2019

University of Sydney experts take NAPLAN to task

The federal election has largely overshadowed the 12th iteration of NAPLAN, commencing this week. Yet that does not mean the tests are uncontroversial. University of Sydney experts deconstruct the debate surrounding them.
07 May 2019

Kakadu needs a new approach to cleaning up an old mine

A new report has found Australia's largest national park is at long-term risk unless the clean up of the Ranger uranium mine in Kakadu is done comprehensively and effectively.
29 April 2019

Sydney's hidden housing problem

A new report released by the Sydney Policy Lab has found low income and vulnerable groups are being forced into informal and sometimes illegal housing arrangements, due to a lack of affordable alternatives.
24 April 2019

Benchmarks for aged care work conditions urgent: experts

A new report released today has called for urgent reform of the working conditions in the aged care sector, which will address the shocking stories emerging from the aged care royal commission.
17 April 2019

Tim Soutphommasane to lead Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network

Professor of Practice (Sociology and Political Theory) Tim Soutphommasane has been announced as the new Co-Chair of the Screen Diversity and Inclusion Network (SDIN).