
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

Latest news

17 November 2017

In a post-truth world, who can we believe?

In our new normal, experts are dismissed and alternative facts flagrantly offered, writes Professor Nick Enfield.

10 November 2017

Government partnership to establish community languages institute

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian announces a state government investment of $7.6m to create the Sydney Institute for Community Languages Education (SICLE).

02 November 2017

Are we barking mad to restrict dogs from riding public transport?

A study of Sydney dog owners has found that an overwhelming 95 percent of people are in favour of dogs riding on public transport, with more than half saying they would do more with their hound if they were allowed.

01 November 2017

Why environmental hazards hit disadvantaged communities hardest

Australia's national energy crisis is forcing disadvantaged families to make impossible decisions. International experts will gather at the University of Sydney to discuss other challenges to achieving environmental justice.

30 October 2017

Citizenship seven: understanding the High Court's ruling

Professor Mary Crock of Sydney Law School unpacks the High Court's landmark judgment on dual citizenship and eligibility for parliament.

24 October 2017

Prominent alumna Annie Corlett AM receives honorary fellowship

Annie Corlett AM, a prominent figure of the Business School alumni community, has been awarded an honorary fellowship by the University of Sydney.

04 October 2017

Books that changed my mind

When James Leeder and Emma Johnstone won the 2017 World Debating Championships, they upheld Sydney's position as the most successful university in competition's history. Now, the winning pair talk books they love, and why.

03 October 2017

Eat, drink and learn something new

Wednesday 25 October will once again see bars transform into classrooms as the University of Sydney takes education out of the lecture theatre and into the city with Raising the Bar.

28 September 2017

How should Australia respond to a major cyberattack?

Student teams tackle cyberattack scenarios and security policy at the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge - the first event of its kind in the region.

01 September 2017

America's risky nuclear buildup

Growing nuclear arsenals are contributing to global instability, writes doctoral researcher Stuart Rollo for the New York Times.

21 August 2017

Confronting radical extremism

Radicalisation and terrorism are key issues of our time. In the first episode of the Open for Discussion podcast's second season, Hussain Nadim discusses the latest research on confronting radical extremism.

04 August 2017

International search for future research leaders

Flagship fellowship scheme provides outstanding postdocs with the opportunity to conduct innovative, multidisciplinary work at one of world's top 50 universities.
02 August 2017

A solution to Sydney's peak-hour train crush

Game-changing train travel needs government to wean itself from low-capacity, polluting motorways, writes Associate Professor Pablo Guillen Alvarez.

02 August 2017

Why I'm angry about the city I love

Dr Elizabeth Farrelly sets the scene for how planning might navigate the post-truth political landscape in her keynote speech at the launch of the University of Sydney's Festival of Urbanism iv on Monday, 31 July.

31 July 2017

New data retention law seriously invades our privacy

Metadata from our phone calls, text messages, emails and internet activity is now tracked by the government under new data retention laws, writes Associate Professor Uri Gal from the University of Sydney Business School. 

28 July 2017

Learning on country at Garma Youth Forum

Young people from across Australia will take part in activities run by the University of Sydney’s Conservatorium of Music, Sydney College of the Arts, Faculty of Science and Sydney University Law Society students in Arnhem Land.

26 July 2017

Constitution catches MPs unaware of foreign citizenship

Professor Helen Irving explains how courts have considered a section of the Constitution, which has yielded resignations by MPs with dual citizenship.

26 July 2017

Explainer: On the origins of environmental bullshit

Post-truth is not anything new, but just more of the same, writes Professor David Schlosberg. So where did the propagation of lies and the dismissal of climate science begin? 

21 July 2017

Why cities are part of the climate change problem and solution

Climate change is often seen as a global issue but over the past 20 years it has become a vital urban issue. At a Sydney Ideas event next Wednesday, Professor Harriet Bulkeley will explain why cities are both part of the cause and the solution to climate change. 

21 July 2017

Australia must not be hurried into a free trade deal with Britain

Australia has little to gain by rushing a free trade deal during Brexit angst, writes Associate Professor Mark Melatos for the Australian Financial Review.