
Law & society

News about legal, social and ethical issues based on peer-reviewed studies or expert analysis

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02 November 2016

Charles Perkins' fire in the belly: we need to reignite it

On the 50th anniversary of Charles Perkins' graduation, a passionate panel of high profile politicians and community leaders considered 100 years in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
27 October 2016

We should be no less committed to the future than Charles

Professor Shane Houston reflects, takes stock and considers the future of education for Aboriginal people in Australia as we celebrate 50 years since Dr Charles Perkins graduated from the University of Sydney. 

27 October 2016

The origins of Halloween

Since its inception in the eighth and ninth century, Halloween has been celebrated in countries around the world. University of Sydney experts weigh in on the festival's origins and its rising popularity in Australia.

24 October 2016

Sydney graduate announced as NSW Rhodes Scholar

University of Sydney graduate Thomas Williamson (BEc '13) will explore new ways to help smallholder coffee farmers in sub-Saharan Africa boost their economic ties to Australia as winner of the 2017 NSW Rhodes Scholarship.

21 October 2016

University writers shortlisted for top literary awards

Four members of the University community have been shortlisted across a number of catagories in the Prime Minister's Literary Awards for 2016.

21 October 2016

50 years back - 50 years forward

Fifty years after Charles Perkins' graduation, a panel of politicians and community leaders will discuss 100 years in the lives of Aboriginal people.
21 October 2016

Maternity care for Aboriginal women

A new maternity services plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in rural and remote communities is urgently required, a report has found.

18 October 2016

Talking buildings our hitech future

A building should not just be a place where you live or work first year Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) student Jerry (Linhao) Li told the Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation scholarship judging panel.

12 October 2016

University to explore new ways to support Indigenous staff

The University of Sydney is forging ahead in its efforts to increase the number of Aboriginal people employed at the University, with new research into staff retention. 

11 October 2016

Floating suburbs a solution for sprawling Sydney

Floating suburbs could solve the residential problems facing Sydney’s increasing population, believes Hillary Pan, our first Lendlease Bradfield Urbanisation Scholarship finalist.

06 October 2016

Leading the way in horticultural robotics

The new Centre signifies a joint industry and University of Sydney determination to adopt on-farm technologies, ramp up export capacity and develop future leaders in non-traditional areas of horticulture.


05 October 2016

Is our health care system delivering for Aboriginal communities?

A new study by the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and Faculty of Health Sciences will determine which services are available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and where improvements might be made.

04 October 2016

Time to protect Antarctica again

In 1991, Australia proved it was an environmental world leader with the Antarctica agreement and now we need to do it again, writes Professor Tim Stephens.

04 October 2016

Nobel Prizes' controversial push for popularity

The Nobel organisations have been steadily working to modernise the prizes’ image.

04 October 2016

Australia’s power – what comes next?

The development of an integrated national ‘whole of system’ model for Australia’s electricity and gas systems, maximising the use of ‘excess’ renewable energy and an increasing focus on the consumer, will be among the key recommendations presented at the final FutureGrid Project roundtable at the University of Sydney.

26 September 2016

Smart phone device to save lives

A lifesaving smartphone device that can cheaply and quickly detect stroke-causing heart rhythm abnormalities is being piloted for the first time in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.

23 September 2016

Pubs and bars turn into classrooms

Amid calls for a 'pub test' for research grants, University of Sydney academics will rise to the challenge on Tuesday 18 October, when they deliver a series of public talks in bars and pubs across Sydney. 

23 September 2016

Shanghai's lost history of Chinese-Australians

In the aftermath of Federation, many Chinese-Australians fled discriminatory Australian laws to start new lives in Shanghai. Daisy Kwok was one of them, Dr Sophie Loy-Wilson tells her story.

19 September 2016

Barcelona cool and sexy but not a good look for Sydney

As Sydney's population continues to expand, it's Toyko we need to look at for inspiration, writes Associate Professor Pablo Guillen Alvarez.

19 September 2016

New open course meets growing demand for ethical social media skills

Good social media citizenry is at the heart of a forward-thinking new MOOC.